Media picker - Dropzone


The Dropzone React component provides a drag & drop solution for uploads.

It has some additional properties to the standard event properties on all the React components:

  • onDragEnter?: (payload: DropzoneDragEnterEventPayload) => void - fired when a file is dragged over the drop zone
  • onDragLeave?: (payload: DropzoneDragLeaveEventPayload) => void - fired when a file is dragged away from the drop zone after entering
  • onDrop?: () => void - fired when a file is dropped on the drop zone
  • onCancelFn?: (cancel: (uniqueIdentifier: string) => void) => void - provides a callback which can be used to manually cancel an upload if required

You can configure it with these options:

  • container?: HTMLElement - Container element for dropzone to render

Dropzone Example

Drag and drop your file, and you can see preview after it is uploaded !!