Media picker

Typescript ❤️

Library for handling file uploads

yarn add @atlaskit/media-picker


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies

Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.

External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.


Don't forget to add these polyfills to your product build if you're using emoji or mentions in the editor and you want to target older browsers:

Media Picker Component Overview

The MediaPicker library is made up of several components which allow the user to select media in different ways.

The following components are React-based:

  • DropZone - provides a drag & drop area for the user to drag & drop a local file
  • Clipboard - provides copy and paste support for the user
  • Browser - provides the native file browser to allow the user to select a local file

Each React component has the following standard props, which allow you to receive events about the uploads.

  • onUploadStart?: (payload: UploadsStartEventPayload) => void - This event is fired when files begin to upload
  • onPreviewUpdate?: (payload: UploadPreviewUpdateEventPayload) => void - This event is fired when a preview (image) of the files uploaded is available
  • onError?: (payload: UploadErrorEventPayload) => void - This event is fired when errors occur during upload
  • onEnd?: (payload: UploadEndEventPayload) => void - This event is fired when the upload ends

There is also a non-React-based component called MediaPicker which provides a custom picker UI which supports the following sources:

  • Local file via native files browser


We assume you have a valid mediaClientConfig and authProvider object setup as per this. For the sake of brewity, most of the example uses inbuilt helper methods.