Media image

Typescript ❤️

Media image element - provides single display of image

yarn add @atlaskit/media-image


Patch Changes

  • #120533 f1bec731e278f - Adds a sideEffects field to ensure this package does not have Compiled styles tree-shaken in the future to avoid an accidental regression.

    This is related to

Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.

External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.

This package exports MediaImage component using render prop pattern.

The render prop is called whenever the requested image status was changed. e.g. when the component is rendered it triggers the request and add the image status as loading and it changes to succeeded when Media API returns the image src data or image preview is available.

This package is required by other Media Components, and should not be used directly.

MediaImage Basic

Error :(