Media client

Typescript ❤️

Media API Web Client Library

yarn add @atlaskit/media-client


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies

Internal Media Use Only

Media Client is intended for internal use by the Media Platform and as a transitive dependency of a media package within your product.

Direct use of this component is not supported.

Consider using Media Picker instead.

Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.

External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.

RxJS compatibility

Media Client currently requires rxjs@^5.5.0 as peer dependency.

This package is the Media Client API Web Client Library.


import { MediaClient } from '@atlaskit/media-client'; const mediaClient = new MediaClient({ authProvider });

Media Client


Using Stargate Integration

Stargate integration is enabled by default as long as an userAuthProvider is not provided.

By default it uses the current domain as base URL. If you need to use a different base URL you can provide a stargateBaseUrl configuration:

import { MediaClient } from '@atlaskit/media-client'; const mediaClient = new MediaClient({ authProvider, stargateBaseUrl: 'http://stargate.url' });

Sync Operations

Media Client allows sync operations by using initial Auth credentials when the consumer needs it inmediatelly after instantiation (e.g., Server Side Rendering). MediaClientConfig requires the "initialAuth" attribute to provide an Auth object that does not come from an async Auth provider.


import { MediaClient } from '@atlaskit/media-client'; const mediaClientConfig = { authProvider: myAuthProvider, initialAuth: myAuth } const mediaClient = new MediaClient(mediaClientConfig); const imageUrl = mediaClient.getImageUrlSync(myFileId, myParams);