Smart card - Card in editor

Editor (@atlaskit/editor-core)

Smart Links in the editor enable users to effortlessly insert links by either pasting a URL or using the Link Picker, (opens new window), which automatically transforms them into rich, interactive component.

Integrate Smart Links with Editor
  1. Add the required plugin to editor presets by either add the cardPlugin directly to your editor's preset configurations, or use pre-defined universal preset, which already includes cardPlugin. This plugin is essential for enabling Smart Links in the editor. Use default or configure via linking options.

  2. Use the ComposableEditor and pass the configured preset to it. For more information on ComposableEditor, please see editor-core, (opens new window)

  3. Wrap the ComposableEditor inside SmartCardProvider.

The minimum with default configurations.

import { SmartCardProvider } from '@atlaskit/link-provider'; import { ComposableEditor } from '@atlaskit/editor-core/composable-editor'; import { cardPlugin } from '@atlaskit/editor-plugins/card'; import { usePreset } from '@atlaskit/editor-core/use-preset'; function Editor() { const { preset } = usePreset((builder) => { return builder.add([cardPlugin, {}]) }); return ( <SmartCardProvider> <ComposableEditor preset={preset} /> </SmartCardProvider> ); }

With pre-defined universal preset and custom configurations.

import { SmartCardProvider } from '@atlaskit/link-provider'; import { ComposableEditor } from '@atlaskit/editor-core/composable-editor'; import { useUniversalPreset } from '@atlaskit/editor-core/preset-universal'; function Editor() { const universalPreset = useUniversalPreset({ props: { linking: { smartLinks: { allowBlockCards: true, allowEmbeds: true, allowResizing: true, }, }, } }); return ( <SmartCardProvider> <ComposableEditor preset={universalPreset} /> </SmartCardProvider> ); }
Configure Smart Links in editor

Please refer to CardOptions, (opens new window) for the available configurations.

Renderer (@atlaskit/renderer)

The renderer is designed to display the Atlassian Document Format (ADF). Smart Links can be rendered in various formats, including Inline, Card (block), or Embed appearances, as specified within the ADF.

Integrate Smart Links with renderer

Wrap the Renderer inside SmartCardProvider. For more information on Renderer, please see renderer, (opens new window).

import { SmartCardProvider } from '@atlaskit/link-provider'; import { Renderer } from '@atlaskit/renderer'; <SmartCardProvider> <Renderer /> </SmartCardProvider>
Configure Smart Links in renderer

Set smartLinks on Renderer component. Please refer to SmartLinksOptions, (opens new window) for the available configurations.

import { SmartCardProvider } from '@atlaskit/link-provider'; import { Renderer } from '@atlaskit/renderer'; <SmartCardProvider> <Renderer smartLinks={{ ssr: true }} /> </SmartCardProvider>

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