Smart card - Card actions

Smart Link actions allow users to interact with linked content more efficiently without leaving their current context. See available actions below.


Preview action

The preview action provides a quick view of the content. This helps users to get a glimpse of the content without opening the full link, saving time and reducing context switching

Components: block card, hover card, flexible card

Availability: Any Smart Links with embed content

Not every link has an embed content. To surface the embed content, the resolved link response must contain data.preview. The frontend implementation must specify support platform that matches with data.preview["atlassian:supportedPlatforms"] from the link response.

{ "meta": { ... }, "data": { "preview": { "@type": "Link", "href": "https://embed-url", "atlassian:supportedPlatforms": ["web"], "atlassian:aspectRatio": 1.7778 }, ... } }


  • preview is object containing embed content information.
  • @type is the type of the data. For embed url, the type is Link.
  • herf is the URL of the embed content that will be set on the iframe.
  • atlassian:supportedPlatforms refers to supported platforms, web and/or mobile. This is used in conjunction with Card component's platform prop.
  • atlassian:aspectRatio is the preferred aspect ration of the embed content. This only applies to embed card and has no impact on preview action.

Download action

This action is available for links that point to downloadable content. It allows users to directly download the file or document.

It requires the user to have access to the downloadable content and have connected their Atlassian account to the support link provider.

Components: block card, hover card, flexible card

Availability: Box (box-object-provider, (opens new window)), Dropbox (dropbox-object-provider, (opens new window))

To surface the download action, the resolved link response must contain atlassian:downloadUrl with schema:potentialAction specify "@type": "DownloadAction".

{ "meta": { ... }, "data": { "atlassian:downloadUrl": "https://download.url", "schema:potentialAction": { "@id": "download", "@type": "DownloadAction", "name": "Download", }, ... } }


  • schema:potentialAction is to tell FE component to prioritise the action over others actions on card with block appearance. While the priority has no impact on hover card and flexible card, the data is still required for the action to show.
  • atlassian:downloadUrl is the URL to downloadable content.

Copy link action

This action allows users to copy the URL of the smart link to their clipboard. It's useful for quickly sharing the link with others without needing to navigate away from the current page

Components: hover card, flexible card

Availability: All Smart Links

Jira status change action

This action allows users to change the status of a Jira issue directly from the Smart Link. It is designed to reduce context switching by enabling quick updates to issue statuses without needing to open the full Jira interface

It requires the user to have access to the Jira project.

Components: block card, hover card, flexible card

Availability: Jira (jira-object-provider, (opens new window))

Follow project/goal action

The follow action is available on Team (Atlas/Watermelon) project and goal Smart Links. By following, users can receive updates or notifications related to the project or goal.

Components: block card, hover card, flexible card

Availability: Team (watermelon-object-provider, (opens new window))

AI summary action

The AI summary action generates a concise summary of the linked content using artificial intelligence. This helps users quickly understand the content without needing to open the link, thus reducing cognitive load and context switching

Components: hover card

Availability: Confluence (confluence-object-provider, (opens new window)), Jira (jira-object-provider, (opens new window)), Google Drive (gdrive-object-provider, (opens new window))

AI summary action is link to admin setting and it's required to be passed to SmartCardProvider with isAdminHubAIEnabled prop in FE. Additionally, product also need to be set.

<SmartCardProvider isAdminHubAIEnabled={true} product="CONFLUENCE"> ... </SmartCardProvider>

Links that support this feature, must specify it meta.supportedFeature in link response.

{ "meta": { "supportedFeature": ['AISummary'], ... }, "data": { ... } }

Automation action

This action involves automating certain tasks related to the linked content. It can be configured to perform specific actions automatically when certain conditions are met

Automation action is maintained by #manual-triggers-in-smart-links, (opens new window)

Components: hover card, flexible card

Availability: Confluence (confluence-object-provider, (opens new window))

Recent links action

This action provides users with links to related content or resources. It helps in exploring additional information that is contextually connected to the current link

Components: hover card

Availability: Unavailable (dogfooding)

Links that support this feature, must specify it meta.supportedFeature in link response.

{ "meta": { "supportedFeature": ['RelatedLinks'], ... }, "data": { ... } }