Smart card - Card

Smart Links enhance URLs into interactive previews, offering a contextualized experience within Atlassian products. They come in inline, block (card), and embed formats, respecting content permissions and compliance settings.



The following packages are @atlaskit/smart-card's peer dependencies and required for Smart Links to function properly. Please check our package.json, (opens new window) for versioning.

  • react
  • react-dom
  • react-intl-next
  • @atlaskit/link-provider


yarn add @atlaskit/smart-card


The following code example will render the inline Smart Link with basic configuration.

import { CardClient, SmartCardProvider } from '@atlaskit/link-provider'; import { Card } from '@atlaskit/smart-card'; // To use staging environment, you must be logged in at <SmartCardProvider client={new CardClient('staging')}> <Card appearance="inline" url="" /> </SmartCardProvider>

Integrating with the Fabric Renderer/Editor

Please see Card in Editor.

Support for server-side rendering (SSR)

Please see CardSSR.