Link provider

Typescript ❤️

Contains provider with react context for anything link related and the link http client

yarn add @atlaskit/link-provider


Major Changes

  • #117363 10a0f7f6c2027 - This package's peerDependencies have been adjusted for react and/or react-dom to reflect the status of only supporting React 18 going forward. No explicit breaking change to React support has been made in this release, but this is to signify going forward, breaking changes for React 16 or React 17 may come via non-major semver releases.

    Please refer this community post for more details:

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies

Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.

External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.


SmartCardProvider is a core component for managing the rendering and functionality of linking components, specifically Smart Links. Its primary purpose is to act as a wrapper that provides context and an HTTP client, which ensures efficient rendering. It is recommended to use a single SmartCardProvider per page for optimal performance.

The component is responsible for data fetching and caching, interacting with the Object Resolver Service to resolve link metadata.


The following packages are @atlaskit/link-provider's peer dependencies. Please check our package.json for versioning.

  • react


yarn add @atlaskit/link-provider


The following code example will render the inline Smart Link.

import { SmartCardProvider } from '@atlaskit/link-provider'; <SmartCardProvider> <Card appearance="inline" url="https://link-url" /> </SmartCardProvider>

For setting up SmartCardProvider for local environment and/or customisation of HTTP client that interacts with the Object Resolver Service, please see CardClient.


client import

A client that make request to Object Resolver Service to resolve url for linking components. See CardClient for more details.


cacheOptions object deprecated

Feature removed (EDM-2205)

maxAge number
maxLoadingDelay number

storeOptions object

The options for redux store that contains linking data. initialState can be used to set linking data and prevent card client to make a request to resolve the url.

initialState required @atlaskit/linking-common.CardStore

children React.ReactNode required

Any React components contains linking components.


renderers object

A render function returning React component. emoji is used to render Smart Link icon for Confluence emoji.

adf adf => React.ReactNode
emoji function
=> React.ReactNode

featureFlags intersection

Specify feature flag value to linking components. The use of this prop is not recommended. Please use @atlaskit/platform-feature-flags instead.

[flag: string] unknown required unknown

isAdminHubAIEnabled boolean

Flag indicated whether AI feature is enabled in AdminHub. This is required for AI summary in Smart Links.

product import

The product that linking components are rendered in. Required for features such as AI summary in Smart Links, Loom embed Smart Links, etc.


authFlow union

Enable and disable authentication flow. If disabled, Smart Links will not offer Connect option when the link returns forbidden nor unauthorized status.

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