Link picker - Custom width and padding

Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.

External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.

If not using the link picker directly in a popup and instead fitting it in a composition with a width that doesn't match our default you'll likely find the need to want to disable the default width and override the provided paddings.

Disabling default width

By enabling the disableWidth prop the link picker will instead have a width of 100% to fill the available space.

Disable Width

Suggestions will appear below as you type into the field

Customising the built-in padding

The left and right paddings can be controlled by providing paddingLeft and paddingRight props. The value provided should be a string that can be used in a CSS calc() (does not expect values such as unset). This allows for the list results to be able to bleed into the padding and should support most use-cases.

Custom Padding

Suggestions will appear below as you type into the field

For consistency the top and bottom paddings can also be controlled/overridden via paddingTop and paddingBottom props respectively. If you find however that you want to customise these its more likely you'd be better off using these props to disable the padding altogether by providing values of '0', and then supplying your own padding/margins in a container component.