Link picker

Typescript ❤️

Standalone link picker

yarn add @atlaskit/link-picker


Patch Changes

  • #122927 1a18023f54f1c - EDM-11900 adding a wrapper with correct id so aria-controls can find the right element for a11y

Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.

External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.

The Standalone Link Picker component allows users to insert relevant links without having to leave their current context.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to #help-bandicoots for help.


yarn add @atlaskit/link-picker


import { LinkPicker } from '@atlaskit/link-picker'; ... // Inside a component with proper state and event management const handleCreateLink = (payload) => {...} const handleCancel = () => {...} return ( <LinkPicker onSubmit={handleCreateLink} onCancel={handleCancel} {...} /> )


Plugins provide an interface to provide additional functionality to the link picker. Currently plugins give the link picker the ability to surface your most recently visited/viewed items as well as supplying a mechanism to search for the link you want to insert without leaving your context.

import { LinkPicker } from '@atlaskit/link-picker'; import { AtlassianLinkPickerPlugin } from '@atlassian/link-picker-atlassian-plugin'; import { SmartCardProvider, CardClient } from '@atlaskit/link-provider'; ... // Inside a component with proper state and event management const smartCardClient = new CardClient(ENV); const config = {...} as AtlassianLinkPickerPluginConfig; const plugins = React.useMemo(() => [new AtlassianLinkPickerPlugin(config)], return ( <SmartCardProvider client={smartCardClient}> <LinkPicker onSubmit={handleCreateLink} onCancel={handleCancel} plugins={plugins} {...} /> </SmartCardProvider> )


Used with @atlaskit/link-analytics and @atlaskit/link-provider to instrument analytics of link lifecycle events such as link creation and deletion.

import { LinkPicker } from '@atlaskit/link-picker'; import { useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics } from '@atlaskit/link-analytics'; ... // Inside a component with proper state and event management const linkAnalytics = useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics(); const handleSubmit = (payload, analytic) => { ... linkAnalytics.linkCreated(payload, analytic); }; return ( <LinkPicker onSubmit={handleCreateLink} onCancel={handleCancel} {...} /> )


Used with @atlaskit/onboarding to show a spotlight. Useful for onboarding customers to link-picker in a new product. The spotlight will appear wrapping the main search input.

import { LinkPicker } from '@atlaskit/link-picker'; import { Spotlight, SpotlightManager, SpotlightTransition } from '@atlaskit/onboarding'; ... const [isSpotlightActive, setIsSpotlightActive] = useState(true); return ( <SpotlightManager> <LinkPicker onSubmit={handleCreateLink} onCancel={handleCancel} onContentResize={} {...} /> <SpotlightTransition> {isSpotlightActive && <Spotlight target="link-picker-search-field-spotlight-target">You can now link Confluence pages directly from Trello!</Spotlight> } </SpotlightTransition> </SpotlightManager> )

Be aware that it can be difficult to properly position the spotlight due to content resize events occurring within Link Picker. If that happens, you can use onContentResize to debounce when the spotlight should appear:

... const [isSpotlightActive, setIsSpotlightActive] = useState(true); const [linkPickerResized, setLinkPickerResized] = useState(0); const [linkPickerResizedDebounced] = useDebounce(linkPickerResized, 100); const [isSpotlightActive, setIsSpotlightActive] = useState(false); const onContentResize = useCallback(() => { setLinkPickerResized((resizedCount) => ++resizedCount); }, []) useEffect(() => { if ( linkPickerResizedDebounced > 0 && ) { setIsSpotlightActive(true); } }, [linkPickerResizedDebounced, isOneTimeMessageDismissed]); return ( <SpotlightManager> <LinkPicker onContentResize={onContentResize} {...} /> <SpotlightTransition> {isSpotlightActive && <Spotlight target="link-picker-search-field-spotlight-target">You can now link Confluence pages directly from Trello!</Spotlight> } </SpotlightTransition> </SpotlightManager> )

Complete Example

It is expected to be used in a popup (see other examples).


Integration with link-picker-plugins.

Suggestions will appear below as you type into the field