Link analytics
Contains analytics and utils to assist in instrumenting Linking Platform components.
yarn add @atlaskit/link-analytics
Major Changes
- This package'speerDependencies
have been adjusted forreact
to reflect the status of only supporting React 18 going forward. No explicit breaking change to React support has been made in this release, but this is to signify going forward, breaking changes for React 16 or React 17 may come via non-major semver releases.Please refer this community post for more details:
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.
External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.
This package is designed to help instrument analytics of link lifecycle events such as link creation and deletion.
The following packages are @atlaskit/link-analytics
's peer dependencies are required.
Please check our package.json for versioning.
yarn add @atlaskit/link-analytics
import { useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics } from '@atlaskit/link-analytics';
const { linkCreated, linkDeleted } = useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics();
// call when user creates a link
linkCreated({ url }, analyticEvent)
// call when user deletes a link
linkDeleted({ url }, analyticEvent)
Example Link Created with Link Picker
import { LinkPicker } from '@atlaskit/link-picker';
import { useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics } from '@atlaskit/link-analytics';
const Component = () => {
const { linkCreated } = useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics();
const handleCreateLink = (payload, analytic) => {
// ... execute your insert logic ...
// ... track the creation of the link ...
linkCreated(payload, analytic)
return (
Non-"Smart Link" Display Category
If firing an event for a link that is not yet (or is no longer) displayed as a smart link, provide the link details displayCategory
field the value of link
This allows us to understand the lifecycle of links before and after they are rendered as a smart link.
const { linkCreated } = useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics();
* If creating a link that won't be displayed as smart link
* fire link created with displayCategory = link
linkCreated({ url: "", displayCategory: "link" })
* If the user changes the appearance of the link so it will now be displayed
* as a smart link, call linkUpdated but do not provide displayCategory field,
* indicating the link is currently displayed as smart link
linkUpdated({ url: "" })
* If the user deletes a link that is currently being displayed as a smart link,
* do not provide displayCategory field
linkDeleted({ url: "" })
Analytic Event Hand-off
Links don't just create (update, or delete) themselves! We're not interested just that a link has been created, but we are also interested as to why! What event triggered this link lifecycle event?
For link insertions and updates, its likely the form submission of the link picker thats lead to a link being created. But that's not the only way links can be created!
Consider an "undo" event. If a user can undo an insert, we can consider this a link deletion. The same can be said for an undo of a deletion (link created). If the source event hasn't come from a linking platform component, then you're likely already tracking these interactions with instrumentation of your own. We can associate these events with a "hand-off" of an existing analytic event as the "source" event that lead to the link lifecycle event.
import {
} from '@atlaskit/analytics-next';
import { useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics } from '@atlaskit/link-analytics';
// ...
const { linkCreated, linkDeleted } = useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics();
// ...
const onUndoDelete = ({ url }) => {
// your existing event
const analytic = createAndFireEvent(SOME_CHANNEL)({
actionSubject: 'linkDeletion',
action: 'undo',
// hand-off event
linkDeleted({ url }, analytic)
// ...
const onUndoInsert = ({ url }) => {
// your existing event
const analytic = createAndFireEvent(SOME_CHANNEL)({
actionSubject: 'linkInsert',
action: 'undo',
// hand-off event
linkDeleted({ url }, analytic)
Link Provider
Make sure the usage of this hook is within the scope of a SmartCardProvider
The link provider provides the ability to connect and resolve meta data about the link.
import { SmartCardProvider } from '@atlaskit/link-provider';
import { useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics } from '@atlaskit/link-analytics';
const Component = () => {
const { linkCreated } = useSmartLinkLifecycleAnalytics();
useCallback((url) => {
// ... some other code ...
linkCreated({ url })
}, [linkCreated])
// ... etc ...
const App = () => {
return (
<Component />
Smart Link Id
We've afforded the link tracking handlers with a slot to provide a smartLinkId
While this is not currently in use, expect to see the this in the future to enhance insights.
linkCreated({ url, smartLinkId }, analytic)