Jql parser
JQL lexer, parser, listener and visitor
yarn add @atlaskit/jql-parser
Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.
External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.
This library contains auto-generated sources from the antlr4ts library using the JQL ANTLR4 grammar. It enables consumers to parse a JQL query into a parse tree.
import { CharStreams, CommonTokenStream } from 'antlr4ts';
import { JQLLexer, JQLParser } from '@atlaskit/jql-parser';
// Create the lexer and parser
const jqlText = "project = JQL";
const charStream = CharStreams.fromString(jqlText);
const lexer = new JQLLexer(charStream);
const tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
const parser = new JQLParser(tokenStream);
// Parse the input, where jqlQuery is the entry point
const parsedJQLTree = parser.jqlQuery();
Inspecting the parse tree
A JQL parse tree can be inspected using the JQLParserListener
or JQLParserVisitor
, you can read
about the differences between the visitor/listener approaches here.
Listener Approach
import { JQLParserListener, JqlQueryContext } from '@atlaskit/jql-parser';
import { ParseTreeWalker } from 'antlr4ts/tree/ParseTreeWalker';
class EnterQueryListener implements JQLParserListener {
enterJqlQuery(context: JqlQueryContext) {
// ...
// other enterX functions...
// Create the listener
const listener: JQLParserListener = new EnterQueryListener();
// Use the entry point for listeners on the parsed JQL tree
ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT.walk(listener, parsedJQLTree);
Visitor Approach
import { JQLParserVisitor, JqlOperandContext } from '@atlaskit/jql-parser';
import { AbstractParseTreeVisitor } from 'antlr4ts/tree/AbstractParseTreeVisitor';
// Extend the AbstractParseTreeVisitor to get default visitor behaviour
class CountOperandsVisitor extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor<number>
implements JQLParserVisitor<number> {
defaultResult() {
return 0;
aggregateResult(aggregate: number, nextResult: number) {
return aggregate + nextResult;
visitJqlOperand(context: JqlOperandContext): number {
return 1 + super.visitChildren(context);
// Create the visitor
const countOperandsVisitor = new CountOperandsVisitor()
// Use the visitor entry point with the parsed JQL tree
const numberOfOperands = countOperandsVisitor.visit(parsedJQLTree);
Generating the parser
Files in the generated
directory are auto-generated from ANTLR grammar definition files. If you need to update the JQL grammar,
you can follow the instructions on this page.
For developers outside of Atlassian looking for help, or to report issues, please make a post on the community forum. We will monitor the forums and redirect topics to the appropriate maintainers.