Jql autocomplete

Typescript ❤️

JQL autocomplete engine

yarn add @atlaskit/jql-autocomplete


Patch Changes

Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.

External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.

This package allows consumers to retrieve autocomplete suggestions for a given JQL query. JQL Autocomplete leverages the antlr4-c3 library to provide code completion candidates using the ANTLR4 generated @atlaskit/jql-parser. Refer to antlr4-c3 for a more in-depth introduction into code completion with ANTLR4 grammars.


For a simple use case you'll want to construct a new JQLAutocomplete object for a given source query.

import { JQLAutocomplete } from '@atlaskit/jql-autocomplete'; const autocomplete = JQLAutocomplete.fromText("assignee = currentUser()");

You can then specify the (zero-indexed) caret position to retrieve suggestions for, e.g.:

// Caret positioned at "assignee = " const selectionStart = 11; const selectionStop = 11; const suggestions = autocomplete.getJQLSuggestionsForCaretPosition([ selectionStart, selectionStop, ]); console.log(suggestions);

Will output the following response:

{ "tokens": { "matchedText": "", "replacePosition": [11,11], "values": ["EMPTY"] }, "rules": { "function": { "matchedText": "", "replacePosition": [11,11], "context": { "field": "assignee", "operator": "=" } }, "value": { "matchedText": "", "replacePosition": [11,11], "context": { "field": "assignee", "operator": "=" } } } }

This includes a collection of tokens and rules that are valid for the given caret position. Rules are essential for deriving more than just keywords from your autocomplete.

As you can see in the above example a valid query could be produced using:

  • An EMPTY token, e.g. assignee = EMPTY
  • A function rule, e.g. assignee = currentUser()
  • A value rule, e.g. assignee = xxxxxxxxx

Typically, when encountering rules you'll want to enrich this information with Jira data. To do so you can leverage Jira Cloud REST API's.


Fine tuning

When constructing an autocomplete object you can specify a collection of ignoredTokens and preferredRules. When not provided, the autocomplete engine specified default arguments which are suitable for most autocomplete use cases. You can read more about these options in the antlr4-c3 documentation.

We also extend the antlr4-c3 configuration options with a new argument, delimiterTokens. By default JQLAutocomplete will provide suggestions for the token immediately preceding the caret. When the caret is positioned at a delimiter token then we'll look for suggestions after the current token.

For example:

import { JQLLexer, JQLParser } from '@atlaskit/jql-parser'; import { JQLAutocomplete } from '@atlaskit/jql-autocomplete'; const ignoredTokens = new Set([JQLLexer.NOT_EQUALS]); // Exclude != tokens from suggestions const preferredRules = new Set([JQLParser.RULE_jqlField]) // Only show rule suggestions for fields const delimiterTokens = new Set([JQLLexer.COMMA]) // Give suggestions for tokens AFTER commas const autocomplete = JQLAutocomplete.fromText("assignee = currentUser()", ignoredTokens, preferredRules, delimiterTokens);


For developers outside of Atlassian looking for help, or to report issues, please make a post on the community forum. We will monitor the forums and redirect topics to the appropriate maintainers.