Help article

Typescript ❤️

A cross-product help-article component

yarn add @atlaskit/help-article


Patch Changes

  • #120533 f1bec731e278f - Adds a sideEffects field to ensure this package does not have Compiled styles tree-shaken in the future to avoid an accidental regression.

    This is related to

Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.

External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.


import React from 'react'; import HelpArticle from '../src'; export default class extends React.Component { render() { return ( <HelpArticle title="Article Title" body="Quisque eros orci, sagittis vitae augue eget, ultrices varius dolor. Nunc mi leo, accumsan id massa nec, commodo placerat libero. Phasellus ullamcorper ligula facilisis massa tempor auctor. Praesent malesuada, eros sit amet posuere rutrum, justo ex tempor dui, at suscipit metus lacus non dui. Phasellus vehicula urna eu rhoncus sagittis. Integer at risus molestie, rutrum nibh nec, vehicula lacus. Nulla mollis dictum felis vitae facilisis. Nam faucibus non orci eget gravida." /> ); } }

Help Article

Article Title


title string

Article Title

body union

Article Content

One of
type string required
version number required
content arrayType required Array
[fieldName: string] any required

bodyFormat union

Format of the body content. The defaut value is "html"

One of

titleLinkUrl string

URL used as href value of the Article Title. If is undefined, the title will a regular H2 tag instead of a link

onArticleRenderBegin function

Function executed when the article rendering begins

() => undefined

onArticleRenderDone function

Function executed when the article rendering finishes

() => undefined