Share - Contributing

Notes for contributers (Atlassian internal)

Concepts & design


Naming in the code:

  • "form share" refers to the use of the form: pick users, add message, "share button"
  • "copy link" refers to the use of the "copy" button


documented here


We shouldn't have to worry about SSR since this component is loaded asynchronously.

If needed: to test SSR in JIRA, see <jira repo>/services/jira-frontend-ssr/


Should origin Id be regenerated on each click on "copy"?

Clicking the “copy” button is not really a share action, the share happens when the url is pasted somewhere… Since we have no control over the actual share action, it shouldn’t be needed to re-generate on each “copy” click.

Quick dev commands

In the repo root dir:

yarn start share
yarn lint
yarn lint:eslint
yarn typecheck
yarn test ./packages/elements/share/src/__tests__/*
yarn test ./packages/elements/share/src/__tests__/unit/components/ShareDialogWithTriggerSpec.tsx

In the package dir: (subset, faster)

yarn prettier  --no-editorconfig --write "**/*.{js,ts,tsx}"
yarn eslint  --fix '**/*.{js,ts,tsx}'
yarn stylelint  '**/*.{js,ts,tsx}'