Fabric Share Element
yarn add @atlaskit/share
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.
External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.
Note: This component is currently in developer preview.
Please experiment with and test this package, but be aware that the API may change at any time. Use at your own risk, preferably not in production.
This package provides the view components allowing users to share a resource by sharing with User Picker, or by copying the share link.
The goal is to provide a consistent share experience across products.
Import the component in your React app as follows:
import ShareDialogContainer from '@atlaskit/share;
Share Component
Recipient controls
Features controls
Custom UI components
URL shortening
Core behavioural settings
Share Props
The share modal will be instantiated immediately but starts hidden. It will retain the form state until the user either:
- triggers a share = share completed
- presses Esc = share cancelled
A click outside the modal will hide it, but the form state will be retained (as long as the share is not cancelled).