Tmp editor statsig

Typescript ❤️

Temp plugin to ease use of statsig feature flags until platform feature flags are available

yarn add @atlaskit/tmp-editor-statsig


Minor Changes

Temp plugin to ease use of statsig experiment until a platform solution is available.

Warning: This is a temporary solution and will be removed once there is a platform solution for statsig experiments.

Warning: This requires per product setup via the setupEditorExperiments api (products without this setup will receive the default value setup for experiments).



All experiments must be registered in the editorExperimentsConfig object in the experiments.ts file.

Once they are registered, they can be accessed using the editorExperiment function from @atlaskit/tmp-editor-statsig/experiments.

Boolean experiments

import { editorExperiment } from '@atlaskit/editor-statsig-tmp/experiments'; if (editorExperiment('editor_inline_comments_on_inline_nodes', true)) { // do something } else { // do something else }

Multivariate experiments

import { editorExperiment } from '@atlaskit/editor-statsig-tmp/experiments'; switch (true) { case editorExperiment('editor_new_control_variants', 'variant-one'): { // do something for variant one return } case editorExperiment('editor_new_control_variants', 'variant-two'): { // do something for variant two return } case editorExperiment('editor_new_control_variants', 'variant-three'): { // do something for variant three return } }

Testing experiments

Atlaskit examples

Not yet supported.

Jest tests

Boolean experiments
import { eeTest } from '@atlaskit/tmp-editor-statsig/editor-experiments-test-utils'; eeTest('example-boolean', { true: () => { expect(editorExperiment('example-boolean', true)).toBe(true); }, false: () => { expect(editorExperiment('example-boolean', false)).toBe(false); }, });
Multivariate experiments
import { eeTest } from '@atlaskit/tmp-editor-statsig/editor-experiments-test-utils'; eeTest('example-multivariate', { one: () => { expect(editorExperiment('example-boolean')).toBe('variant-one'); }, two: () => { expect(editorExperiment('example-boolean')).toBe('variant-two'); }, three: () => { expect(editorExperiment('example-boolean')).toBe('variant-three'); }, });

Playwright tests

Editor Experiments are setup similar to platformFeatureFlags.

test.use({ adf: exampleAdf, platformFeatureFlags: { // ... }, editorExperiments: { 'example-boolean': true, 'example-multivariate': 'variant', }, });


import { setupEditorExperiments } from '@atlaskit/tmp-editor-statsig/experiments'; // Example confluence setup setupEditorExperiments('confluence'); // Example dev util setup -- takes overrides as a second param (and otherwise defaults all experiments to their default values) setupEditorExperiments('test', { 'example-boolean': true });