Accepts extension viewport size list as a prop from confluence FE in order to render this size on
FD-80149: cleans up platform_editor_react18_phase2_v2 from with_editor_actionsb46814682ebf8
[ux] [ED-26716] Review and fix usage of querySelectors in renderer table73c800ab5f2fc
ED-26766 update adf-schema from 47.2.1 to 47.6.0 and adf-schema-json from 1.27.0 to 1.31.0#120533
Adds a sideEffects
field to ensure this package does not have Compiled styles tree-shaken in the
future to avoid an accidental regression.
This is related to https://community.developer.atlassian.com/t/rfc-73-migrating-our-components-to-compiled-css-in-js/85953
This package's peerDependencies
have been adjusted for react
and/or react-dom
to reflect the
status of only supporting React 18 going forward. No explicit breaking change to React support has
been made in this release, but this is to signify going forward, breaking changes for React 16 or
React 17 may come via non-major semver releases.
Please refer this community post for more details: https://community.developer.atlassian.com/t/rfc-78-dropping-support-for-react-16-and-rendering-in-a-react-18-concurrent-root-in-jira-and-confluence/87026
ED-26667 remove borders for the Editor status node4f47b49b5e735
[ED-26419] Add skipValidation for LCM nested renderera58aaaa91e54e
[ux] update aria label for panel icon74cb18f37ede7
EDF-2469: Migrate usages of useAIThemeColor to colour constants or tokens.8a101cd92e89a
Add sticky table wrapper to selector to ensures styles target duplicated table correctlyf2cdf63d500f1
Removing rolled out feature gate3204ff13be49e
[ux] ED-26481 Disable sticky headers for nested tables in renderer8876083532adc
Bumped editor-prosemirror version to 7.0.083bbb87a1ef40
Moved deprecated ADS headingSizes object directly into this package as it is the only remaining
consumer. This is planned to be removed soon.b6adb9244b072
[ux] Visual refresh of the EmbedCard component62224d53da886
[ux] [ED-26283] CSS Selector fix for table with shadows when there are nested tables. It will only
select direct children now and not descendants which prevents unnecessary shadow on parent table
when there is a nested table.5f44122535833
ED-26253 Update renderer table headers selector to fix calendar macro style issues when nested in
ED-26253 Update table css selectors so they don't get applied to table elements not owned by the
editor and nested inside an editor table4660ec858a305
Update React
from v16 to v187b0f37c8dfc41
[ux] ED-26409 remove platform_editor_external_media_comment_bugfix fg58f30540d829f
[ux] Preventing comments data clearing on nested renders to avoid infinite rerendering087604ddd0822
Update the SSR inline script to be included on client on hydrateRoot for confluence but don't
execute the the script on client633ced5621b07
[ux] Calling callback even for pages without comments in order to clear comment datad03cf19cf4251
[ux] ED-26349 hide external media badge when images w or h is less then 200px2e9d79eb2d217
[ux] ED-26201 Prevent generation of table colgroup in renderer if table is nested in a table and
columns haven't been resizedb76cc60ba170b
Internal changes to remove deprecated typography imports.44f96aff22dd9
[ED-26179] clean up platform_editor_elements_dnd_nested_table861401744086f
[ux] Create VisuallyHidden heading copy button for screen reader & use aria-hidden to hide nested
heading copy from screen readerefd5cf5ab0eb2
ED-26205 Prevent transform of nested tables inside bodied macros for renderer only1fcb5e982a41c
[ux] Remove showAuthTooltip from smart-cardfd9a8c58ce559
ED-25744 Removed superfluous curly bracket in nested table renderer styles which caused HOT-113841445cdd27f00ae
[ux] Adds aria-hidden to table sort button in Renderer to remove extra announcement about disabledfb9a503ee55c3
Add new getColumnWidths
function which will loop through each table row, looking for the max
number of table cells to use to render the table correctly when table resizing is enabled.be121b1cf4f54
Internal changes to typography font family style definitions.bd2c53ff5831b
[ux] Bug fix to remove the hover state from all the nodes which are not required99dddf300e09d
Removed internal re-exports and use more specific imports6d8f4a8bb02d4
[ux] fix an issue where the sllv table can be blurry in renderer in some specific setup (wide
screen, chrome, used in a spot with limited width)b62801c154a5b
Migrated smart-card proxied exports (linking-common, link-provider, json-ld-types) to import from
modules directly8e4f117f6abde
[ux] ED-25744 Resolve styling issues with column sort and background color for nested tables01453825d9537
added renderer functional component behind FF as part of React18 upgraded100d121a8a38
[ux] Update editor's links to use design system's standards#171014
[ED-25833] Replace the following FGs with experiment platform_editor_advanced_layouts
Updated dependencies
Replaced deprecated typography styles with new components and tokens.3f441f30e6507
Bump adf-schema to 46.0.06d928c0cb9227
[ux] [ED-25832] Hide external image badges for atlassian.com domainsb1eef0648c061
[ED-25767] Fix responsiveness difference in editor vs rendererb75a552ecb1c6
[ED-25816] Fix: non full-width resized layout becomes full width in full-width renderer335a373081eaf
[ux] Added hoveredAnnotation for the renderer and the editor to accomodate the newly implemented
comment's panel32cc3cebd2ed7
ED-25632 Ensure table nesting transform errors are logged to analytics. This includes an upgrade
to core-plugin to allow it to receive an anaylytics callback.bb0f938202ca0
[ux] Advanced layout responsiveness in Editor10223ce40d9a0
update status appearance for visual refreshf5893b7270927
ED-25498 Integrate transformNestedTablesIncomingDocument with Editor and Renderer to transform
nested table extensionsffa275ccb1a59
adjust temporary sticky table config options to accept an id rather than the HTMLElement139c972d12c19
Add calcBreakoutWithCustomWidth function which uses width attribute on breakout mark for node
width calculation, defaults to mode if not present. Add support in renderer for breakout width223443d621e88
[ux] Fixes default table column widths when table is nested in extension that is nested in layout03e6dc49c3d4f
Add temporary sticky header configuration options to allow consumer to set the default overflow
Removing deprecated data
and importer
prop from @atlaskit/smart-carde2dc2f10636c6
[ux] Layout responsiveness in rendererc3e486551954c
Adds a onLoadComplete callback for useLoadAnnotations annotations hook#158723
[ED-24682] Cleanup feature flag for commenting on media in the renderer
@atlaskit/editor-plugin-media: Add optional checks for the api in Comment Badges on media
Updated dependencies
[ux] Added a check to handle the case where a single non-breaking space is selected and the user
attempts to leave a comment on it.3c26362f19c76
Adding support for en-ZZ i18n locale to editor packagec58ae26b37318
Fix versions for tmp-editor-statsig (major used to force dependers to release new versions)b62c7289b73f2
ED-24722 Clean up platform.editor.media.inline-image.base-support FFa5156f7d85a6d
Changes related to the nested renderer causing multiple callback binding to the annotation click1986c9bd0cc15
[ux] ED-25409 Support comments on media for external images in renderer1beeeda29023a
Upgrades editor packages to react 1873c97aeb48ea9
Add platform_editor_support_table_in_comment_jira experiment to control table drag and drop and
table scaling features to support new table features in jiraecafb0e3e4fdf
[ux] [ED-25418] Fix z-indexes for media badges in renderer5c316170d29dd
Bump @atlaskit/adf-schema to 42.3.1caba4b5434f99
Injects a custom interaction name to CardLoading component. This will individualise the experience
in Performance Portal3dc5893b05a80
Add nodes count to renderer stats5f7f23dd0c612
[ux] ED-25082: Added editor custom font tokens and use them for normal texts and paragraph texts"e2a39fd2dd76d
[ux] Fix jumpiness caused by table height change when table sticky scrollbar is renderered by
using css visibility instead of display.a3723b1cdede2
[ux] [ED-25037] this change bumps @atlaskit/adf-schema from 40.9.0 to 40.9.4 which makes the
blockquote selectable, adds missing marks to the PM node spec and fixes a bug that converted
pasted external images to media groups.7327a31a5aaec
[ux] [ED-25172] Update resolvePos to handle when endContainer is a non-text node.46e9eccf1d0bc
ED-24117: refactors image loader for react 181ef4ceed97d4d
Fix CSS based renderer width fix not working in nested renderere6c17327bfead
Adds presentation role to hr tag for accessibility compliancee79a40a7122b6
Fix table offset in renderer when SSR fix is enabled4a3547a1691e2
Reverting change to add onLoadComplete callback for useLoadAnnotations annotations hookb6868597a50cd
[ux] Fix table resizing when rendering with AK renderer in SSRa407a8fbc874b
ED-24365 Support commenting inside bodied extension content in the Renderer46defc30fb9dd
Cleanup of a FF for comments on media bug fixdd88ce6ba197e
Adds a onLoadComplete callback for useLoadAnnotations annotations hook07a9416026f88
Remove showActions and showServerActions from smart-card9e12a8f47cfef
[ED-24721] Clean up FF confluence.frontend.fabric.editor.comments-on-media-analytics
cleaned up platform_editor_get_emoji_provider_from_config feature flag1bb47674cd3df
[ED-24683] clean up confluence.frontend.fabric.editor.comments-on-media-media-inline-bug-fix
Reverting change to add onLoadComplete callback for useLoadAnnotations annotations hookf834ba0388625
[ux] Fix double horizontal scrollbar issue on table in the Preview.b2a211bc73d86
Adds a onLoadComplete callback for useLoadAnnotations annotations hook98399b2cfafdc
Remove references to showActions and showServerActionsde9029605ff53
[ED-24681] Clean up FD confluence.frontend.comments-on-media.bug.insert.excerpt
[ux] ED-24711 Clean up feature flag for media comment video bugc6118de2fd43e
Adds support for platformFeatureFlags and editorExperiments in Renderer Playwright tests.a596a018303f2
[ux] Use 40 as max scaling percent in comment renderer when Table scaling is enabled in Comment
Add data vc to some componentsf73667130fb7d
[ux] Update styles for nested dnd to only apply to full page editor. Removed
blockquoteSharedStylesNew export.df87e6ab23533
Remove references to webdriver tooling in editor packages86a6dad9fb62e
[ux] Enables Table sticky scrollbar in Renderer under an experiment FF.9749eb9ba2987
Remove platform.editor.table.use-increased-scaling-percent feature flag972fb840acf35
Switch from fg to experiment for media-from-urlb68c21839cdb7
Remove platform.comments-on-media.bug.incorrect-badge-highlight feature gate93e3974b2538e
Fix annotation range on triple click when text containing an inline code91964e2471abb
Select input content when select all is triggered inside an input30793649657c0
[HOT-111629] We had an incident where the last character disappears when hitting the enter key on
windows OS for Korean characters. Bumping to prosemirror-view@1.34.2 for the fix.6e5c1f6bbf028
removed mobile from the renderer appearance, as we no longer support this6ca31cec5324f
EDF-957 Removed renderer re-render tracking analytics.eeb1f7ad41211
Adding new entry-points to editor-common to optimise bundle size and move away from "utils"
ED-24631 Refactor how ExternalImageBadge and CommentBadge are renderedf3d004d4e3a3e
ED-24650 fix nested node jittering issue2a88fdd213838
Introducing new smaller refined entry-points for editor-common to reduce bundle size.adae1f3dc8fca
Switches Support Table in Comment features to use Statsig experiment instead of a Feature Gate.462ac84782509
ED-24794: Fixed numbered column tables not scaling down in renderer00c81bdf34c46
[ux] Fixes an issue where tables that existed before "Support Table in Comment" are displayed as
centered 760px width tables when FF for Support Table in Comment is enabled.52083ca79b5dc
[ux] ED-24603 Disable dragging nested nodes within table behind FFfb4fb56f1da7c
Use optimised entry-points on editor-common for browser.851c2575d214e
Use optimised entry-points for analytics packages to reduce bundle size.09414d7233497
ED-24507 Switch nested dnd FG to experiment and include padding changes"554309ca8fbe5
ED-24371: Support new 100% scaling and 40%PTW scaling in Comment Renderer62ec64be9ed01
Table alignment feature flag cleanup026952a6b9ee5
[ux] EDF-1284: Cleanup platform.editor.renderer-error-boundary-for-dom-errors platform flag in
Updates vr tests related to datasources as the TableCell height has now become 40pxc6b7ba441248a
Fixed an issue where changing translations to Icelandic or Romanian doesn't work4b528c8da4120
No putting visibility hidden on width detector childen if in SSR but no breakout inline script0354a6dc7bfb9
ENGHEALTH-9888 : Bumps React 18 in Editorb6d65a4ed682d
[ux] Adds UNSTABLE_allowTableAlignment prop on Renderer to allow consumers enable Table Alignment
feature (for now available only for Confluence)e71a357ea40dd
[ux] [ED-24323] Add external image badge for externally hosted imagesd338ce6e4ff6e
[ux] Add padding to left side of blockquote content to allow space for element drag handle814b77933fedc
[ux] Enable Table Alignmnent in Renderer8cb3eccfd2a71
Fix table resizing in SSR and hydratione33566cebd5d1
[ED-24175] bump @atlaskit/adf-schema to 40.8.1 and @atlassian/adf-schema-json to 1.22.0 to
promotecodeblocks & media in quotes, and nested expands in expands to full schema, and allow
quotes in panels and decisions in lists in stage0 schema, and a validator spec change42f304a6a5e68
Excludes resolved inline comments from being read by screenreaders0886d04fff5e6
[ux] Fix bug in dark mode for table header pasted from light mode.8aa1792f12ed3
bump @atlaskit/editor-prosemirror to 5.0.0, bump @atlaskit/adf-schema to 40.1.049b8c7658f3b5
[ED-24173] bump @atlaskit/adf-schema to 40.3.0 and @atlassian/adf-schema-json to 1.18.0d3af2ef54521c
[ux] Enables table resizing in comment renderer under a feature gate.9ca02c9c7c5ce
created new entrypoint for startMeasure,stopMeasure,clearMeasure, deprecated those functions in
[ux] ED-24237 Fix comment appearances in renderer to match editor9696ad7f5108a
ensure nested tables don't have left alignment stylesa61cfb5567823
ED-23357 Update annotation node name calculations to avoid crashes on invalid rangesf550b1a0c6e85
ED-24236 fix missing underline for draft annotations in renderer (when annotations on inline nodes
fg is on)9cb22ec2da5c2
ED-24236 fix missing underline for draft annotations in renderer (when annotations on inline nodes
fg is on)3ec789f43cde4
Add null check for media node before attempting to create range88aa7acfd24eb
refactor: remove all UNSAFE_ react APIs from @atlaskit/renderer10bb9e2def098
[ux] Reduce media single max width padding for all editors except full page9f3d530e68972
Cleanup of table ff, when table is resized and num column is enabled, the table is not in
[ED-23765] migrate inline node commenting feature flags to statsig feature gateff47bec4e7b6e
[ux] Fix issue where inline node calculation would crash rendererce3834d457869
[ED-23887] Add unit tests for nested renderers invalid range bug fix.12f4724969d35
Use caption as targetNodeType instead of text for annotation event8b2d47bffb50e
bump adf-schema versioned6b070c03e93
[ED-23887] fix issue where invalid range calculations led to renderer crashes.955949c077d4f
[ux] [ED-23627] Text highlighting UI review6d33539d8ed41
Announcing inline comments to screenreaders on renderer251d23ff9e6c8
upgrade adf-schema version to 38.0.067c2dc683387a
[ux] adding keyboard support for inline comments in renderera1733f8d7c4cc
[ux] ED-23648 tweak editor and renderer inline comment sizing to fit inline nodes33e0090cf80ef
ED-23785 - add inlineNodeTypes
to InlineCommentSelectionComponentProps
ED-23785 - add inlineNodeTypes
to InlineCommentSelectionComponentProps
Bump adf-schema to 37.0.0 and adf-schema-json to 1.16.05c0a612e2326f
[ux] Fixes special symbols showing from left to right on renderer for headings.6f3058e0347a3
ED-23734 - add getInlineNodeTypes
function to InlineCommentViewComponentProps
[ux] When we select caption comment, the comment badge should not be active (with FF) and rename
prop name to mediaSingleElement31348c335b4b3
ED-23690 - add inlineNodeTypes property to AnnotationComponentProps52590a0b562ef
ED-23690 Adds an attribute to annotation analytic events with the name of nodes inside the
annotation range046555d9a96ea
Converts LD flag to an experiment for Preserve Table Widths part two feature.a94f80cafee03
[ux] [ED-23638] allow clicks on commented links and mentions to work.dff16b735e876
[ED-23613] Avoid blending background color when inline comments overlap with highlights5af1dca5d4168
[ux] ED-23616 Introduces support in renderer for commenting on status, emoji, date and mention
[ux] ED-23420 Fix various issues with commenting on inline cards in renderer.939b873db211
[ux] Sets increased table scaling percent when FF is enabled.1ced2f2b9b2d
Add display mode and layout to table node to support copy paste from renderer to editor901f576c6ea3
[ux] Insert Excerpt should not be showing comment badge with FF94e59a7490d4
When table width is smaller than container, scale table colwidths up before applying num col
scaling to avoid overflow0a92fe4ddbe9
Only scale columns when num columns is enabled and col widths equal container width to fix issues
of renderer and editor mismatches0fd18de5a2e3
[ux] removing the isInPageInclude prop in renderer and will access isInPageInclude directly in
[ED-23159] Added blending styling for when highlights overlap inline comments3378951608b0
[ED-23332] Update adf-schema package to 36.10.1e554b1f02f8f
Updates margin bottom to datasource blockCards in renderer.4821570088e6
ED-23362 Bump ADF schema to version 36.8.1 and add support for adf validation and transformation4c1023ffb3d8
[ED-23094] Ignore annotations on mediaInline node, including highlight styling,
event(onMouseEnter, onClick) listeners, update active annotations when the node is selected or the
cursor is right after the node3d61cd8f2afe
[ED-23355] Update annotation viewed event to with attributes nodeType and method to capture usage
for comments on mediaf222af5687e9
Bump adf-schema to 36.3.0 and adf-schema-json to 1.14.0b9e49dbef2a3
[ED-23179] Added background mark react view to renderer0225618cf16f
[ux] Add auto scale when table resized and numbered column enabled.9a61210caecb
Updating parameters of the applyDraftMode() function to return a step if an annotationId is passed
[ux] Table should not scale down when width is locked1c7b378c0d3b
[HOT-108999] We had an incident where the cursor jumps back a character in table headers for any
language triggering composition on an empty line.This was fixed in a patch bump of
prosemirror-view. https://github.com/ProseMirror/prosemirror-view/compare/1.33.4...1.33.59eacc753e6eb
- -
Update applyAnnotation action to return annotation target nodeType
Exported default node components for use with the renderer0055bf04acc6
Don't render comment badge on media if FF is falsef036f2fd9ccf
[ED-23102] Added global styles that map the custom CSS variables to background color for
background color mark138e1985998f
[ux] Tables in comment renderer should take full width.a3520474fc12
move SortingIcon component from Renderer to Editor Common22e7c4a1a8f4
add ff and fix table width issue in renderer587934fc0174
Allow real time comments to correctly infer position of comment on media11a68d0a971a
Clear query params when copying link to headerb76a78c6a199
bumped editor-prosemirror version to 4.0.033ccdcc238ab
[ED-22917] Wrap inline cards in data attributes used by clipboard handlers, and annotation
Bump adf-schema to 35.9.2 to support table alignment optionsfded4cd65773
[ED-22917] fixes position calculation logic for comments on commented inline cards0058e08c0a70
Revert fix for "Allow realtime comments to correctly infer position of comment on media"
Allow realtime comments to correctly infer position of comment on media4ad8a0bc6051
Fixes preview linking and annotation flow on media with annotation00e5dcfdf240
[ux] Does not add comment button on hover on media that is inside comment or inline comment
[ux] [ED-22992] Auto-dismiss comment button on media if mouse rolling away from media and comment
popup, remove popup position transition so that popup does not appear sliding across the page when
mouse moving from one media to anotherf893b885cc0a
[ux] Add comment on media badge states876804648156
ED-22917 fix comment positioning logic to account for inline-card commentsb6ffa30186b9
Bump ADF-schema package to version 35.0.014a5e5877b97
[ux] [ED-22875] - Removed borders from multi-bodied extensions38cbee5b6ee4
Adds errorboundary around bodiedExtension to try to get more error info8499e6f0fef4
Remove custom-table-width feature flag8103423f9266
[ED-22909] Update media content wrap dom with annotation draft related data attributes so that
create dialog can be correctly positioned next to media61b44e565851
[ux] FF clean up platform.editor.show-embed-card-frame-renderer9fcd30347b0c
[ux] Removed annotation styling for media in editor and rendererb462593ddae0
[ED-22909] Update AnnotationRangeDispatchContext with actions to set and clear draft range for
hover component78ee8b68398b
Add onClick functionality to comment badge rendererb56b60b50087
Support nested annotation marks for media nodes in renderer#87820
of type AddNodeMarkStep for annotation on media and
correct doc
that includes newly add annotation mark1789491c0687
[ED-22804] Update renderer action deleteAnnotation to function with media node6bff86c31d81
Clean up feature flag for increasing visibility of table scroll shadowsaf2544086b27
Changed comment create mutation to send pos if comment is added to a block nodef7ed11720c73
ED-22675: removes redundant attribute from editor html button, adds gemini error log pattern718a9aa2424d
[ED-22607] Remove references to maxFrames for multi bodied extensions and bump adf-schema from
35.7.0 to 35.8.0be63992e342e
Fixes bug regarding datasources not expanding to full width in renderer9cb0eef56b9d
Adjusted renderer TextHighlighter API added more tests and fixed off by 1 error9e962c72289e
Adding UNSTABLE_textHighlight API to renderer. It allows to wrap text that matches a RegEx in a
provided React Component.eb8c1300b8ee
Click on media with annotation will no longer open the annotation view behind the media previeweb4d99e5be1e
Adding a try-catch around selection validation to prevent errors being thrown by nested renderers57b0c76cdce6
Adding support for draft ranges in selection component for renderer annotation provider6b1707c169e0
The internal composition of this component has changed. There is no expected change in behaviour.8bd86714a915
Fixed annotation highlight support for media elements by allow mark to be changed to a block level
The media renderer node will now correctly render annotation marks if/when they're applied to the
[EDF-426] Added special handling for dom errors in renderer to resolve DOM errors from Google
translate interactions. This is behind a platform flag
(platform.editor.renderer-error-boundary-for-dom-errors) and adds a new analytics event
Upgrade Typescript from 4.9.5
to 5.4.2
The annotation comment provider will now accept a new hoverComponent which is displayed by the
annotation ui when specific block nodes are rolled over by the users mouse76ecf197027a
Setting the range to null on the useEffect clean up function and removed range from dependancy
array to avoid the infinite loop8d781cb52f84
[ux] Add support for datasource column wrapping controls912bb3a58129
fix regression issue of WidthProvider in renderer used when hover template marco inline extensionad1f563ea96b
[ux] ED-22503 Styling for annotations on the inline card for edit and render view972cc5041482
useEffect creates a closure, so we need to assign the exact props passed to useUserSelectionRange8167ff5eb362
[ux] Revert change to renderer embed card styling for margin.e0d5e8fd9495
Migrates some style calls to a slightly different object syntax and other minor cleanup around
eslint rules.25cea639817f
[ux] Migrate to use tokens. The padding on the top of the editor in full-page has changed from
50px to 48px.cc0e2b5dba10
React 18 types for renderer (missed eslint issues)81ae5b4e3713
Fix inline rendering for inline extension nodes in View modeb6bc418abde3
CXP-3050 Enforced design tokens and primitives on media-card43549c3789b1
Migrate @atlaskit/editor-core to use declarative entry pointse5ca78a1788d
Upgrade @atlaskit/renderer types to be React 18 compatible02293e70771b
add allowWidthDetector option to be used to skip width detector in renderer, to make media single
works in inline extension like excerpt include6b4c9dd4ad34
ED-22219: adf-schema updated to 35.5.2cf557c64b311
Updated CardErrorBoundary to pass error and datasourceId to
[ux] ED-21941 Disable resize/layout options for table, media and extension when added to MBE.
Table rendering fixed for Confluence editor19f46b47a53f
Adding new AnnotationUpdateEvent to deselect all annotationsd0cee3285a1a
ED-22287: Adding 16px right padding to panel for all elements. Also using 12px for the no-icon
[ux] Media Inline Images now support previewer when clicked in renderer4487160917d2
[ux] ED-22052: adds button type attribute to non atlaskit button instances1b48cdd3c074
ED-21767 fixed dom structure for inline images.c0bf12e2229c
Adding a new export for the Renderer and the AnnotationsWrapper to allow consumers to choose if
they want annotations9d9c89e4ff0c
Implement smart-card actionOptions prop within editor and expose prop to editor and rendererde8513419971
EDF-26 Cleaned up platform.editor.use-lch-for-color-inversion_1qv8ol feature flag. Text and table
cell background colors now use the LCH inversion method by default.a0f886ed02f4
fix blurriness in images by reverting to using container width for media singledaa71f6aa162
[ux] ED-21883: Updated MultiBodied Extension related CSS and selectionsd23cba211264
Added a unsupported node type counts map to the unsupported content level tracking analytics
event. This will provide information as to the type of unsupported nodes being encountered by user
and help with debuggging the issue.f35f74b0b1e5
fix embed link overlaps table sticky header in Renderer14c48a2fa93d
Moved the example helpers from the test utlity library to editor-core3fe0f77f03fb
Added type to expand button in Renderer & prevent default behaviour on clicka00094111b5a
ED-21609 Update adf-schema to 35.3.0f3e1604287a9
ED-20879 add ssr support for mediaInlineb523d60b380c
Remove legacy theming logic from @atlaskit/editor-core and @atlaskit/renderer. Theming is still
available via @atlaskit/tokens.8d601c3ee546
ED-21174 Cleaned up FF from ED-19147 and updated testcases630f6c9fc80c
ED-21576: Added new Example for MBE - Interactive Fake Tabs105de5d67d78
ED-21733 fix style for inline image with link markce40b4308ec7
Fix an issue with datasource table where rendering inside another component causes it to overflow
beyound the parent component.0b49755d1170
[ux] Include embed card frame as part of its width when frameStyle is set to "show" and show embed
frame by default in renderera4168e118d27
Add visual regression test for media single sized between default and full width0537b3f0a76d
[ED-11625] Avoid that Mod+Shift+A shortcut gets intercepted in Renderer as part of the select all
ED-21606: Width options support for MBE renderer and adding back edit option on toolbarac1ec9ea4cd3
[ux] Add border mark support to mediaInline in Editor/Renderer0d892d819bab
[ux] Updated tests and mediaInline node to mock inline files correctly85392e5f9be9
Remove legacy theming logic from the @atlaskit/editor-common package. Theming is still available
via @atlaskit/tokens.04e38cfe9e90
Remove legacy theming logic from all Editor plugin packages. Theming is still available via the
@atlaskit/tokens package.b44ac0968d79
[ED-21562] Bump @atlaskit/adf-schema to 35.2.0 for border mark update56c310f67664
[ED-20481] Update media breakout calculation in SSR mode for pixel resizing experienced2e34e936bf2
[ED-15859] Clean up restartNumberedLists feature flag and set this feature as the default
behaviour for ordered lists. Currently this feature is only rolled out in Confluence so this
change will roll it out to all other products which adopt this version.0d9d4d239318
[ux] [ED-21530] Fix bug in list styling where unordered and ordered lists have different left
padding when restart numbered lists feature flag is enabled31d9b09ffea0
ED-20985 use mediaClientContext to replace getMediaClientfdd20fa0201f
ED-21506: multiBodiedExtension- Fix issues with Rendererf509a21be124
ED-21506: @atlaskit/adf-schema upgraded to 35.1.1 to support renderer for MBEa42a17e8af1b
ED-21106: Remove nonPrivacySafeAttributes from editor operational eventsf49d6c29036c
[ux] ED-20924 Fixed smart card avatar being cut off on safari by preventing the code block in
lists fix for li elements in cards.0faff8fd352b
ED-20980 implemented default size for inline images.a02f991bd476
Update and remove various visual regression tests and snapshots in @atlaskit/editor-core and
@atlaskit/renderer related to the deprecated legacy theming system.724d7b798878
Accessiblity: Fixes 'Copy link to heading' icon not showing when navigated through keyboard tabf66aaa97f90e
Revert "Merge pull request #58452 in CONFCLOUD/confluence-frontend from
ED-20985-use-mediaClientContext-in-renderer-m to master"a149612dc46d
[ux] Added support for Media Inline Image Card in Editor and Rendererf12e489f23b0
Re-build and deploy packages to NPM to resolve React/Compiled not found error (HOT-106483).900c6892df7e
Small fix on Renderer example page320b83ce7502
ED-20985 use mediaClientContext to replace getMediaClientf2c6be423042
Feature flag cleanup platform.editor.disable-default-width-table-scaling-renderer and updated
relevant snapshots8c40410ca78
ED-20043: MultiBodied Extension changese4cea0e13b9
- [ux]
ED-20699 Use LCH color inversion method in dark mode, behind
platform.editor.use-lch-for-color-inversion_1qv8ol feature flag.3f3c17f0273
- ED-20971
Upgrade adf-schema package to ^34.0.073adf14896c
- Remove
usage of legacy theming from the Code component and refactor where necessary to accomodate the
updated API.27726a80705
- [ux]
Updated borders and added grid lines in datasource tables.df4cc6a4be0
- [ux]
enable smart link hover previews by default in renderer and add opt-out prop hideHoverPreview to
smart link options renderer prop482c025520d
- ED-20763
Upgrade ADF schema version to 33.2.3 for MBE nodes.5fab3712542
- Add data
attribute to table in renderer for widthf021d31543e
- create
useFileState hook versions of header and itemviewer, create list-v2, refactor MediaFileStateError
to media-client-react79e5ed8fac7
- ED-19543
remove unused FF check761551f78ab
Implement useFileState hook on Media Viewer under Version 2a0c97a19dba
- Remove
unused utils and depreciated exports in mediaClient.09876d718cc
- add back
important styles to nested table, fixes table in expand width issue596e7daf364
- [ux]
ED-20037 feat(adf-schema): invert custom tableCell backgrounds in dark mode7301110e9d4
- [ux]
remove force width in editor table container to fix right shadow3787f4e37c7
- Fix
smart link embed url display veritically on ssr when the renderer is full width.ed53fde1ce5
- Add a
unit test for inline SSR script for renderer breakoutdbc9194d7e1
CardErrorBoundary now uses lazy loaded DatasourceRenderFailedAnalyticsWrapperd6300ceb512
- Pass
through allowCaptions from media prop to mediaSingle1b1cb811d4d
[ED-20170] Fix telepointer being duplicated when renderer telepointer feature flag is on050cf3ed98f
[ED-19844] Fix issue where mutation observer was being created in SSR environments#40718
This change removes plugin exports from editor-core that were used only for the mobile bridge.
This includes:
The full list is:
)WHY: We have been extracting plugins out of editor-core
and as we move them out we need to
remove these exports as the new architecture does not support plugin keys or commands.
This major bump will remove all remaining commands and keys in one go - some of these features
will be accessible in a safe manner in the future via the ComposableEditor
and the appropriate
HOW: Should be no consumers using these methods currently (only mobile bridge which has been updated).
If there are any issues please reach out to the #help-editor for information on how to update appropriately.
- update
renderer sticky header position to avoid flashing
- [ux]
[ECA11Y-89] Added aria-label for sortable table header cell buttonae2c0db7186
- Add
datasource failed analytic events to card fallback error boundarye4721cc5a3f
- Make
issue count clickablefd3a855ab5a
[ED-19844] Add trailing telepointer logic to renderer behind feature flagc7f60374a72
- The
ReactSerializer will now re-render when the passed extensionHandlers changes. This is avoid SSR
pages with dynamic macros breaking when re-renders is reduced. Add safety catch tests to avoid
future breakages.3d5a4dfddba
- Make
Smart Card frameStyle for embeds configurable via @atlaskit/renderer
- Removed
captions flag and replaced with a new media prop allowCaptions
. allowCaptions
is set to
by default and products will need to opt in to be able to use captions from now on.e6122bf1c9a
- MEX-2481
revert and re-introduce a new fix for media border gap issueb821b2d7ac1
- Fix
issue where tables with no column widths would render at their layout value when nested inside
another node, render tables with no column widths in this scenario so they scale with the parent
- Delete
adf-schema from AFE and rely on npm package for adf-schema4b4dcfe0bba
- Delete
adf-schema, use published versionc06bb97591a
[ED-19023] Add distorted duration to TTI event (tracking tab visibility)7b6a2c6671b
Introducing 'media-state' for handling media internal file state. Introducing 'media-client-react'
to provide hooks for seamless media-client integration with React. Introducing 'MediaCardV2' with
a feature flag to replace rxjs based fileState subscription with 'useFileState' hook. Removed
unused feature flags APIs from 'media-client' and its helper functions from 'media-common'.e0de9e09b5f
- Use
table container width when calculating column widths to scale down, in renderer. Behind feature
flag platform.editor.custom-table-width-scale-down-undefined-column_nkyvxb4b0b6fa972
- Include
hash when calling FF platform.editor.custom-table-width-scale-down-undefined-column_nkyvx3fa17b4c298
- Update
type definitions to conform to changes within @types/react@16.14.15
- [ux] add
scale down to undefined table in custom table width39099193642
- Cleanup
breakout styling when table has fragment mark ffb9a083dc04d
- [ux]
Adds error boundaries specific to datasource in editor and renderer. Fallback to unsupported block
if no url or inline if url8695abdde8e
[ED-18289] Clean-up Editor Sentry feature flag35dbae44050
- [ux]
[ED-19225] fix width of numbered column in table for renderer4e6f1bf8511
[ED-19233] Import prosemirror libraries from internal facade package7639c62cc20
[ED-18776] Use local media types to avoid circular dependencies in renderer6bacee18c2d
- [ux] Add
new allowDatasource prop for enabling datasource in editor and add inlineCard fallback render for
blockCard with datasource3fb20c4aeba
- Add
postinstall check to enforce internal peer dependencies4fe49c40988
- [ux]
ED-18966 fix default table in renderer full-width appearance mode5f028fb62a1
- ED-19038
added mediaSingle.widthType support to renderer.76e2f35ef70
- Updated
to use object args.776a88442e4
- [ux]
When on mobile, the datasources will fallback to inline smartcard views.caa8dc8e5f5
ED-18758:Making the box-shadow used in table with sticky headers consistent in light theme to
- The
changes here adds support for datasource feature flag for rollout.f486dbd535c
- MEX-2481
Fix minor gap between image and border0d603996f7f
- [ux]
TSLA-609 update code block wrap button and copy button to work in dark/light theme by adding back
the wrapper element behind the buttons.cb69e6847ec
- [ux] The
table colgroup will always set the width to the min width when the custom-table-width flag is
- Fix
issue where attempting to add an inline comment (annotation) on inline code nodes wrapped in bidi
warnings would result in the editor crashinga1b70608039
- [ux]
Adds editor toolbar to link datasource componenta390f5a61da
- [ux] The
change here enables the datasource table to render based on the layout defined in ADF.05435759325
- Revert
ED-17462 due to scroll issue in renderer for table9d91eb4b59b
- MEX-2411
Remove Observed Width feature flag5462d0142c7
- [ux]
Updating ORS response to include datasources and faciliating pasting JQL links turning into
datasource tables4807883cf8e
[MEX-2468] Disable Tooltip in Media Card in Hybrid Renderer1b8397cca2c
- [ux]
Stop event from bubbling when user clicks on either the copy clipboard button or wrap button for
code blocks in renderer view149b6c14e3e
- [ux]
[ED-17634] Use the table width attribute in the renderer when platform.editor.custom-table-width
FF is true406f89ad910
- [ux] fix
image border missing in renderer when image is linked and also double seperators issuef22911fb9be
ENGHEALTH-2667: Adjust table cell color logic to enable static analysis of token usages and follow
eslint rules07cc766e1ac
- Remove
conversion of width from string to numberbb442ced942
- Remove
newCardExperience feature flag077e086c53f
- [ux]
ED-17971 Changes the color token used for table borders and background of table controls and
numbered column.65ff31a2ad4
- use
onError prop on smart card to handle errorsf0b51f8f06c
- Fix copy
paste file state for Inline Files9d00501a414
- Ensure
legacy types are published for TS 4.5-4.86bc52e5a406
[ED-17687] Capture errors caught in error boundaries in Sentry7faffcf8450
- Add
location attribute to smard link related componentes in renderer (link, inlinecard, embedcard,
- [ux]
Changed code-block to display: block to fix issue with list alignment9220da2225b
ED-16320: Add checks to certain SLO related events to see if they are explicitly disabled, in
preparation for disabling them for synthetic tenants in proda142ba1aa28
[ED17172] Bump prosemirror-model to 1.16.0 and prosemirror-view to 1.23.7 and removed work-arounds
for fixed issues9369cc38a68
- Migrated
use of gridSize
to space tokens where possible. There is no expected visual or behaviour change.41fae2c6f68
- Upgrade
Typescript from 4.5.5
to 4.9.5
- Skip
minor dependency bump0ffb55018c9
- Revert
"[ED-17172] Bumped prosemirror-view from 1.23.2 to 1.23.7 and removed work-around for fixed
- [ux]
replace deprecated placeholder theme with tokens2e01c9c74b5
remove before merging to master; dupe adf-schema via adf-utils11fd2f313a3
- ED-16760
Fixed sticky header transparency issue in renderer when themeing is on.bcdf4f2913f
- add
missing border mark data to the media analytic context9f9b4b1cf60
- [ux]
[HOT-103036] Fix table width styling when broken out with fragment mark4f75910f899
- [ux] Add
code wrapping button to code block TSLA-266bf04c417bfd
- Add
"border" mark to stage0 ADF schema31717a1fe63
- Fix the
bug when clicking on media inline files in Hybrid Renderer, viewer is not opening.0078ddc7e2e
- New
smartLinks prop to allow renderer and editor to determine whether smart link should show actions
that can change the link resource.2367ba14aa0
- [ux]
ED-16758 Added support for theme tokens in table cell background color.9a25538e0ef
- [ux]
ED-16723 Custom panel background color is tokensied. More details at
- Renderer
link mark updated by LinkUrl from the smart-card package with a built-in link safety validationc3eba8c788d
- Updates
Media Card input data object8c04b73312e
- ED-16758
Added data-cell-background attribute to store table cell background color information.1bd38dae4ab
- [ux] add
back table column max scaling percent logic336f7dab111
- ED-16200
Updating CRASHED event action to map to new event "unhandledErrorCaughtV2 and moving its
errorStack attribute to nonPrivacySafeAttributes"4ee60bafc6d
ED-16603: Remove tooltips from VR tests and make them opt in. To opt-in, add allowedSideEffects
when loading the page.a40ac7f5614
- New
Smartlinks prop to allow renderer to determine whether smart link component inside AK renderer
should show auth tooltip on unauthenticated inline linksa1031a55381
[ux][ed-16466] Tooltip that notifies if expand is open or closed should not render on mobile2ff1c66a6ab
- [ux]
ED-16490 fixed bug so big margin will not occur before a Decision node in Renderer on iOS6455cf006b3
- Builds
for this package now pass through a tokens babel plugin, removing runtime invocations of the
tokens() function and improving performance.d61e8688afd
DSP-8078: Fixes bug where windowed codeblock rendered incorrectly#28090
[ED-16166] Changes the renderer prop document type from any to DocNode
BREAKING for @atlaskit/renderer
: Previously the document
prop for the renderer component had
the type of any
. This has now been changed to DocNode
which comes from @atlaskit/adf-schema
Documents being passed into the renderer component will need to be updated to use this type.
Example Usage:
import { DocNode } from '@atlaskit/adf-schema';
const emptyDoc: DocNode = {
type: 'doc',
version: 1,
content: [],
- [ux]
ED-15882: Implement custom starting numbers for orderedList nodes in adf-schema, editor, renderer,
transformers behind restartNumberedLists feature flag. Users will be able to set a custom starting
number when typing to create a numbered list in the Editor and this will be persisted across
Renderer and other format transformations.
Note: restartNumberedLists will be off by default. To enable it, consumers will need to set <Editor featureFlags={{ restartNumberedLists: true }}> or <Renderer featureFlags={{ restartNumberedLists: true }}>
- ED-16163
Refactored analytics constants to be in editor-common1d41bbc2965
- This
changeset introduces non breaking changes to support ssr within the loader emoji componentb616ba20f04
- [ux] The
height of the panel stays the same when the emoji is removed
- [ux]
ED-15871 Fixed issue with pasting a table from renderer does not respect theme mode
[ED-16106] Fix margin top when paragraph has alignment marks
- DSP-4118
Updated tokens used to render overflow shadows in code blocks.
New tokens will be visible only in applications configured to use the new Tokens API (currently in beta). These changes are intended to be interoperable with the legacy theme implementation. Legacy dark mode users should expect no visual or breaking changes.
now optionally supports customizing the size of the "covers" that appear over
shadows when at the edge of content, via leftCoverWidth
and rightCoverWidth
, and the shadow
width via the width
Updated dependencies
DSP-6459: Adds a background to code blocks in the editor to remove transparency. E.g. prevents
table cell background colors from affecting code blocks. Also modifies code blocks in table
headers to have a border instead of a different color when design tokens are enabled.c472a1eed2f
- DSP-3443
Updates tokens used for floating buttons; updated appearances only visible in applications
configured to use the new Tokens API (currently in alpha).34f8542468b
[ED-12592] Updates the renderer rendered measurement to indicate when the measurement is
distorted. Re uses distorted measurement identification logic from other render measurements.977ac74443c
DSP-7235: Fixes issue with overflow shadows on code blocks due to layered transparent colors.c2510fa261f
- [ux]
ED-15961 [ux] Updates the presentation of text color to use dark and light mode colors when those
modes are enabled#25860
- Exposes
fragmentLocalId as part of ExtensionRenderer.
- [ux]
ED-14993 added better support for codeblocks inside lists and gap cursor selection inside lists:
ED-15381 - Patch table / layout CSS to fix issue of ProseMirror gapcursor within the cell
DSP-4136 - Update renderer's table sorting icon to support design tokens.
- [ux]
Increase padding for panels with no emoji
- [ux]
Only allow sort table columns when sort button is clicked
- Removed
styled components from dev and peer dependencies
- ED-15353
Fix comments dialog table overlap flakey testwq
- Fix typo
in table sort tooltip
Updated dependencies
- Upgrade
Typescript from 4.3.5
to 4.5.5
- [ux]
ED-14862: Fix triple click selection in table cells in Renderer so that copy paste doesnt always
copy a whole table cell with selected contentd7c4506066d
[ux][ed-15295] improve code block copy button label to better indicate to users what will end up
in the clipboard when used.1a559c9fb1f
[ux][ed-15168] PR 2 removes scale down logic from table columns in renderer5fd9cd8ae25
- PCC-583
Fixing duplicated i18n messages ids85417020bac
[ED-15173] removed uses of calcLineLength8d4228767b0
- Upgrade
Typescript from 4.2.4
to 4.3.5
- replace
@atlaskit/smart-card peer dependency by @atlaskit/link-provider080e2269f18
ED-14838: Completely remove allowDynamicTextSizing prop references and deprecation warnings from
editor and renderer721bc4d7794
- ED-14377
To remove the imports of version.json which is deprecateda293488d55d
- [ux]
ED-13304 fixes inconsistent date in action item formatting between edit/render mode when
[EDM-3364] Remove @atlaskit/smart-card peer dependency which was accidentally put back during a
conflict resolution. It should no longer be in the peer dependencies of editor-core or renderer
packages as it has been replaced by @atlaskit/link-providercad3842e2d3
- fix
media viewer navigation issue when files have different collection Idsb10472a1e57
- ED-14471
remove codeBidiWarnings feature flagab4f37635d9
- Modified
the renderer package to include a prop 'nodeComponents' that will override the nodes the renderer
provides and allow us to render our own custom nodes2d979ce9877
- [ux]
ED-14945: Add windowed codeblock support in renderer (This feature sits behind a flag in the
featureFlags prop 'allow-windowed-code-block')153b80fdcda
- [ux]
ED-15111: Fix aligned text and headings margin-top values in layouts in Renderer (by clearing
- [ux]
ED-14419: removed CopyTextProvider in favour of util function copyTextToClipboard()
This removes workarounds for unsupported browsers such as Internet Explorer and Safari releases before v12.
Updated dependencies
ED-14610: reduce code bundled with table sticky headersd6b54a2fd48
- [ux] Fix
custom panel dark mode colour regressiond8b3bc73330
[ED-14507] Deprecate the allowDynamicTextSizing editor prop and remove all code related to it.
This feature has been unused since 2020.8949731bc6a
ED-14608: Migrate adf-utils imports in atlassian-frontend to new child entry points to improve
- ED-10337
Refactor overflow shadows using intersection observer to improve renderer performance on initial
load and when scrolling contents of the tables and extensions horizontally. This is affecting
vertical shadows inside tables and extensions in renderer. On the OverflowShadowOptions interface
of the shadows component exported from editor-common we are also removing scrollableSelector
option which is no longer used.edc63f42fbb
- Fix:
Media inline renderer sometimes stuck in loading view stateb68e80d658f
- add
hover previews feature flagd15a5a556af
- ED-15037
fixed issue with extensions not showing correctly inside tables nested in expands27b079fa0a5
[ED-14111] Allow spaces in input field in renderer table cell header789b211a5e5
- Removed
the use of :first-child and nth-child selectors in CSS420808687d2
EDM-3072: fix copy-paste of media inline stuck on loading and renderer copy-paste copying only
- [ux]
ED-14913 Fix expand text in renderer dark modec4829f17445
- [ux]
ED-10642 Fix null annotation ids in renderer#20721
- [ux]
Instrumented @atlaskit/renderer
with the new theming package, @atlaskit/tokens
New tokens will be visible only in applications configured to use the new Tokens API (currently in alpha). These changes are intended to be interoperable with the legacy theme implementation. Legacy dark mode users should expect no visual or breaking changes.
- [ux]
ED-10335: memoize schema, validation and serialization for Renderer59e17ae76c1
- [ux]
ED-14961: fix table sticky header in renderer overlapping typeahead popup in comment section47a59c220af
- [ux]
ED-10334: memoised schema.nodeFromJSON() and node.check() in Renderer.renderDocument()08edcd36c6f
- [ux]
Convert RGB color usage to Design Tokens. This change is backwards compatible with existing
- [ux]
ED-14943 Fix dark theme colors for annotations (inline comments) in renderer#20033
- ED-14268
migrate editor-core to use emotion
[ED-14606] Move bitbucket schema, confluence schema, jira schema, and default schema from
@atlaskit/adf-schema to their own entry points. These new entry points are as follows
@atlaskit/adf-schema/schema-bitbucket for:
@atlaskit/adf-schema/schema-confluence for:
@atlaskit/adf-schema/schema-jira for:
@atlaskit/adf-schema/schema-default for:
This change also includes codemods in @atlaskit/adf-schema to update these entry points. It also introduces a new util function "changeImportEntryPoint" to @atlaskit/codemod-utils to handle this scenario.
- Removed
emoji and media packages dependencies from renderer initial load.
Updated dependencies
- [ux]
ED-14651: removed react-intl v2.e78e261ac6f
- [ux]
ED-14487: Removed IE11/Edge18 support in @atlaskit/width-detector. No longer exporting
IframeWidthObserverFallbackWrapper and IframeWrapperConsumer.
ED-14632: Add render count tracking reRendered event in Renderer
- ED-14266
Removed all the usages of styled-components from renderer.
- Minor
changes in MarkWrapper and Expand styles.44c6c36d8d9
- ED-14263
replaced styled usages860c5f319c9
- [ux]
ED-14454: Add clearfix to renderer document container to prevent content outside renderer from
sliding up alongside floated media images08a5acc6d0e
- ED-14338
Migrated renderer examples to emotion5c6607ee0e7
- Migrated
link, rule, panel and expand styles in editor-common to emotion.7cc9d0d6927
- ED-14671
Fixed table sticky header height issue.9671dfa12b1
- Revert
[MEX-1276] fix vertical scroll for firefox when media link is wrapped9712e78abb0
- ED-14255
moved some usages of editor-shared-styles to emotion3c717788e4d
- ED-14569
Feature flag the renderer TTI analytic eventd0eed99c3e3
- ED-14264
Moved styles to emotion cssf9a144c5a71
- ED-14255
migrated table styles to use emotion3fcadf8ab52
- ED-14263
migrate editor common styled usagese to emotion244512e8724
- ED-14301
Add tti metrics for renderer47d10a85190
[ED-10235] When a heading is used as a header in a sticky headers table, two headers are added
into the document to enable sticky header behaviour. We need to ensure the heading ID is not
duplicated so scroll behaviour remains intact when user uses the heading anchor link in renderer.304351e4b1e
CETI-241 - Added additional panel ADF attributes (panelIconId, panelIconText) to uniquely identify
custom panel emojis. The change has been categorised as major since it is a change to the
full-schema ADF. However, the custom panel feature is behind a feature flag, has not yet been
released to production, and is only currently planned for release to Confluence. See ADF change
#61 for further details.9d1e0356622
- [ux]
CETI-166 Increase the standard panel icons size to make it consistent with the emojis in the panel
content areade207a6b8e0
- Fixed a
bug in SSR where media components would resize due to MutationObserver not receiving all children
in initial call.
- Add
prop to React Renderer component
interface SmartLinksOptions {
ssr?: boolean;
It contains a ssr
field which when set to true will enable SSR support for smart links nodes
ssr: true
- AK-279
Moved copy button outside of heading, that made heading accessible
- Fixed a
bug for SSR where some media components would be rendered in the incorrect size resulting in
jumping components during hydration.
- ED-13881
Move @atlaskit/adf-schema test helpers to @atlaskit/editor-test-helpers
A new entry point for @atlaskit/editor-test-helpers/adf-schema has been introduced. All test helpers that previously lived under @atlaskit/adf-schema have been moved there instead.
Imports inside @atlaskit/adf-schema that previously relied on relative paths, or imports from other packages that referred to @atlaskit/adf-schema/test-helpers, should be updated to reference @atlaskit/editor-test-helpers/adf-schema instead.
Old usages:
import { schema } from '../relative/path/to/test-helpers';
import { schema } from '@atlaskit/adf-schema/test-helpers';
New usage:
import { schema } from '@atlaskit/editor-test-helpers/adf-schema';
- fix
image size in layout with ref and width observer
- Removed
portal prop from Mention node
- [AK-837]
added role prop for Status component
- [ux]
AK-608: Action items are keyboard accessible
- ED-14043
update prosemirror schema to only allow link mark on children of paragraph and mediaSingle
- CETI-242
Change the Color palette labels for panel
- [ux]
Added intl tooling to all strings that were previously not using intl tooling. Should mean that
more things are able to be translated. Also fixed the relevent tests to account for intl tooling.
Updated dependencies
CETI-241 - Added additional panel ADF attributes (panelIconId, panelIconText) to uniquely identify
custom panel emojis. The change has been categorised as major since it is a change to the
full-schema ADF. However, the custom panel feature is behind a feature flag, has not yet been
released to production, and is only currently planned for release to Confluence. See ADF change
#61 for further details.272a64c6bf0
- [ux]
CETI-166 Increase the standard panel icons size to make it consistent with the emojis in the panel
content area19d72473dfb
- Make
DecisionList, TaskList, MediaSingle, EmbedCard and Panel loadable.e221ee215e7
- fix
vertical scroll for firefox when media link is wrapped231b3d8b718
- CETI-242
Change the Color palette labels for panel19d72473dfb
- ED-13753
Updated editor-common import entries.b9cd2373064
[ED-14106] Reset custom color when the node is inside a linkd6c140182ce
[ED-14095] Send a new analytics events when the document loaded is not a valid ProseMirror Model#14810
ED-13322, ED-13324, ED-13326, ED-13323, ED-13204: Upgrade and support react-intl@^5.18.1 including
breaking API changes, types and tests in atlassian-frontend packages
What changed: Upgraded our react-intl support from ^2.6.0 to ^5.18.1. This means editor packages now rely on consumers installing ^5.18.1, otherwise editor usage of react-intl will mismatch with actual installed react-intl APIs. Why change was made: As part of a coordinated upgrade effort across AF packages, as react-intl v2 is quite dated. How consumer should update their code: Ensure react-intl ^5.18.1 is installed in consuming applications.
Upgrade guide: To consume atlassian-frontend packages that use react-intl5 setup a second provider for the new version, using an npm alias
"react-intl": "^2.6.0",
"react-intl-next": "npm:react-intl@^5.18.1",
import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl';
import { IntlProvider as IntlNextProvider } from 'react-intl-next';
return (
- CETI-20
Rename custom panel FF from UNSAFE_allowCustomPanel
to allowCustomPanel
- Fix
annotations state from being set to null when adding a new inline comment23514411f27
- CETI-134
added support to render dark colors for the custom panels in the dark mode8bbb96540ea
- Add
"fragment" mark to stage0 ADF schemaa3737a9b3aa
- CETI-64
Updating the dark mode colors for the standard panelsd4643be4f2d
- [ux]
AK-551 Add focus outline on code block copy buttonc6feed82071
ED-11632: Bump prosemirror packages;
- Using
type for SSR prop to reduce dependency on media-common
- Fixed
media nodes not being built synchronously on SSR
- ED-13854
Replace url-parser library with native function
- Update
CardLoader to use react-loadable Add SSR feature prop to be passed in renderer and media card
- Column
sorting button meets the minimum contrast requirement
- [ux]
ED-7449: Sort cells in a given table column based on case sensitivity of same letter then on
alphabet+ascii code values
- CETI-167
Remove opacity for panels in dark mode.
Updated dependencies
- [ux]
ED-13938 disabled code-bidi warning tooltip for mobile, reworked TextWrapper to fix bidi
mitigation, and fixed issue where bidi warnings were not presented when renderer used with an
annotation provider with draftMode set to truec80c71b537d
- [ux]
ED-13860 add bidi warning decorations to code components3c5548e50da
- [ux]
Introducing new Media Inline component to renderer971845eac0d
- CETI-96
Added new rule to emoji to solve the duplicate icon issue when we copy from rendererf897443ad45
- Revert
- CETI-122
Fix Rendering of hybrid renderer when the prop UNSAFE_allowCustomPanels changed.a554946e674
- Skipping
flakey tests to unblock the weasal release33bca2a18bb
- Skipping
a flaky test to unblock the weasal releasecf853e39278
- CETI-72
Web: Copy from renderer loses custom panel attributescf853e39278
- AK-279
Moved copy button outside of heading, that made heading accessible6840e64d105
CETI-124: Revert panel content wrapper from span to div511f07f7f7b
- allow
enabling download for media card via enableDownloadButton feature prop5fe6e21a9a0
- [ux]
Upgrade to the latest version of @atlaskit/modal-dialog. This change includes shifting the primary
button in the footer of the modal to be on the right instead of the left.b90c0237824
- Update
package.jsons to remove unused dependencies.b95863772be
- Support
external observers. Use better naming for refNode (refNode => reference). In favor of further work
(supporting multiple references) pass array of references to Extension component. Expand node with
localId for extentions.0bbd13a9a9c
Temporarily disabling VR tests (ED-13530)#13302
- CETI-3
User is able to change emoji and background color when selected
EDM-2264: allow embed resize events from all domains
The breaking change in this commit is a rename from IframelyResizeMessageListener
. The functionality of the component itself remains the same for all
- Added
editor re-render analytics event.797ffbdcd7f
- Update
focus style for expand button, change aria-label to aria-labelled bydb4a92b9e61
ED-11460: Add Renderer Error Boundaryf3ccd83b464
- [ux]
AK-271 - Implement a separate focusable button for sorting table columns1075019cefe
- Add
NodeProps to Captiona3718b3de35
- AK-280 -
Expand - Fix collapsed content is announced by screen readers9fef23ee77c
- ED-12477
Add unsupported node capability to Media Groupb847a71298d
- ED-8245
added optional ability to render placeholder text in renderer9088388ab19
- [ux]
ED-13080 revert implement a separate button for sorting table columnsd05cb164f3f
dereference default export of async imported modules for better interop084abc13201
- ED-12265
Add unsupport content support to media single ED-12265 Remove caption
from default schema -
- ED-12789
fixed chart macro doesn't respect width adjustmentf582254da39
[ME-1434] Set max font size on Hybrid Editor and Renderer. [ME-1450] Fix decision panel overlap.50deb33bb0d
- Make
code block scale to device font size in the Hybrid Renderer.4c05694bca8
- Changed
componentName to renderer in AnalyticsContext.eb2ccccfa14
ED-12514: Add sampling rate controls to unsupported content levels trackingfda67081c09
- ED-12408
Fix annotation selection over links and other text with regex-like syntaxac2eeccc60b
- Update
internal use of code block selector in editor packages.7ba7af04db8
- Type
fixes related to consumption of @atlaskit/code
- Bump
editor-shared-styles to pick up relativeFontSizeToBase1623de387a004
ED-12183 - add top margin to extension wrapper5c835144ef0
[ME-741][me-743] Remove PX references in editor packages and modify code block font size.e2260ead0c9
[ME-1099] Fix image spacing in tables in the mobile renderer.58b170725be
- Renamed
@atlaskit/editor-test-helpers/schema-builder to @atlaskit/editor-test-helpers/doc-builder2a8ef3203cf
- Fix
event handlers for fallback cardada3c26e788
- Add text
rendering support for inlineCard node6d748ea5140
- New
stage-0 data consumer mark in ADF schemaefdcfff1c0b
- Add text
rendering support for date nodeb5065367a66
- Improve
rendering of the status node in plain text: done -> [ DONE ]e6bd5669a53
- ED-10888
Deduplicate AJV initialization from our codebased2e70ebaaa9
NO-ISSUE: updated editor tests to use 'doc: DocBuilder' instead of 'doc: any'fe1c96a3d28
- added
DocBuilder type to @atlaskit/editor-test-helpers, replaced duplicate definitions and DocumentType4f08f25ebfe
pass through feature flags into renderer1f0d35a781f
- Links on
images now open in the same tabef16937952e
- CCP-853
Remove react-dom/server from client-side695ce4fe717
- Adds
additional request access metadata to forbidden urls if avalible848d9fb54a3
- ED-11875
align renderer to editor tab size in code-blocka2d44651925
ED-11161: Track unsupported content levels severity in renderer7ddbf962bd9
- [ux]
Updated and added new translations32613148067
- Move
DisableActions, DisableMediaLinking, allowAnnotaions, allowHeadingAnchorLinks feature flags from
query param to rendererConfiguration5857b17788b
- Change
the way kitchen sink shows ADF errors6616714be75
- Fix
renderer-bridge configuration changes not occuring9d1bc4dde94
- [ux] As
part of the bump to @atlaskit/code, the codeBlock element's visual appearance has been modified in
renderer and editor-core. Specifically the fontSize and lineHeight have been made more consistent
with the DS parent package.949c7174a4
- [ux]
ED-11625: scope select all to renderer document52003c2c47
[ED-10690][renderer] Remove bodied extension analytics event and renderNodes function.4acc86197e
[TWISTA-535] Removed unused isAnnotationAllowed boolean from bridge communication, it's breaking
change but not used on both iOS & Android73d5cb22dd
- Ensure gap
cursor ignores a click on a caption nodee797f23ec3
- ED-10441:
ensure code-block is WYSIWYGc7e408f3c8
- [ux] Embed
smart cart resizing now can dynamically change height when content is coming from a public
resolver powered by iframe.81a5e08f06
- Fix
divider not visible in dark modedfd440f4b5
- [ux] New
functionality to add and remove captions to images and videos. Select an image or video in the
editor to start using it! editor-core now exports dedupe which aids in not having duplicate
plugins added when initialising an editore2c3b5cf75
[TWISTA-429] Prevents useLoadAnnotations requesting annotations states when there is an empty
array of Annotations received from actions"f51a912369
- CMB-2437:
Added VR tests for the Date node in both Editor and Renderer packages
- [ux]
ED-10741 Remove legacy UI/UX for heading anchor links.
Nested header links is enabled using the allowHeadingAnchorLinks
editor prop.
Recently it was converted from a boolean to an object to support heading links within nested
containers such as tables, layouts, and expands. e.g.
allowHeadingAnchorLinks { allowNestedHeaderLinks: true }
Enabling this opted into a new, revised UI/UX for the copy link button adjacent to a heading.
Now that this feature has been adopted by Confluence and rolled out to 100% of customers, this change removes the code for the legacy UI/UX since we have no desire to ever use it again. This will reduce the bundle size slightly.
- Fix
rendering of captions
- pass
featureFlags to getMediaClient in MediaCard renderer node
- [ux]
ED-10847 Restore right aligned headings copy link button to flip to the left of the heading text.
Updated dependencies
- Transpile
packages using babel rather than tsc28e97db5a7
- TWISTA-407
Expose the Confluence index match API to native. On applying draft mode, the bridge will call
with the numMatch
, matchIndex
, originalSelection
tuple that is
required by Confluence.d13ccbd6c3
[ux][twista-523] Fixed a bug in Safari/iOS where inline comment overlapping link would open url
into current webView0175a00afc
- [ED-10670]
Update prosemirror-model type to use posAtIndex methodsd6c23f1886
- Added dark
mode support to table cell background colors7ba05e4164
- EDM-1372:
Default to akEditorFullPageMaxWidth when WidthConsumer is 0be5392f4a4
- EDM-1395:
Update analytic subject names for image linking3c263cb2df
- Added
error handling when calling media client getCurrentState()f50e5d16b1
- CMB-2438:
Added dark mode VR tests for tables in both Editor and Renderer#5860
- ED-9514
Fix Media in MediaSingle not rendererd on web and hybrid renderer when unsupported node attributes
and/or unsupported marks are included.
- ED-8720
Add OnUnhandledClickHandler for Renderer
- ED-10614
Add match indexing (Confluence API) for annotation creation for the renderer
export type AnnotationActionResult =
step: Step;
doc: JSONDocNode;
} | false;
export type AnnotationActionResult =
step: Step;
doc: JSONDocNode;
originalSelection: string; // <<===
numMatches: number; // <<===
matchIndex: number; // <<===
} | false;
- ED-8006
Prevent clicks on action checkboxes from triggering table header sortingb13e3991ef
- ED-10723:
severity for rendered event703752d487
- ED-10647
Remove caret from prosemirror-model, prosemirror-keymap, prosemirror-state, prosemirror-transform
to lock them down to an explicit version330da4d675
- Update
translations via Traduki from issue/translation-2020-10-08T000543240dd9bdbb
- [ux]
ED-10839 Revert RTL text to restore predictability of right aligned heading textb6b8b7ab25
- ED-10678 |
Add analytics to bodiedExtension to determine if ADF content is passed to it1bd404254e
- ED-10547
Analytics for delete annotations4b2c7ce81c
- ED-10580:
Fix duplicate i18n ids
- ED-9912:
replace prosemirror-tables with editor-tables
- [ux]
ED-10540, ED-10149 Improve Heading Alignment when Heading Links are enabled.
The following changes only apply when these feature flags are enabled:
which shows copy anchor link buttons next
to heading text within the renderer.confluence.frontend.open.expand.when.following.link
which opts into the new copy anchor link
UI/UX as well as supporting them within expand nodes.When a heading is left aligned:
When a heading is center aligned:
When a heading is right aligned:
When a heading is inside a table header cell and table column sorting is enabled:
- [ux]
ED-10376: added support for custom panels in renderer
- EDM-1320
fixed linked image overlaps table sorting button
- TWISTA-367
Add new method for annotation bounding rect for mobile bridge renderer
Updated dependencies
- Fix for
renderer SSR inline script when server side bundle is minimized5f58283e1f
- Export
types using Typescript's new "export type" syntax to satisfy Typescript's --isolatedModules
compiler option. This requires version 3.8 of Typescript, read more about how we handle Typescript
versions here: https://atlaskit.atlassian.com/get-started Also add typescript
to denote version that the package was built with.9798ad1405
- Remove
deep import paths of dependencies in TS declaration files225c901919
- ED-10351
add API to delete the annotation79fb301be8
- ED_9523
add tooltip for unsupported content
- ED-10173
added support of unsupportedNodeAttribute to renderer
- Adjust
copy link icon size depending on the Header size
- ED-10071
localization support for renderer
- ED-10408
updated image linking style for renderer
- Bump
ProseMirror packages
Read more: https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/E/pages/1671956531/2020-08
- TWISTA-176
Added analytics for inline comments in renderer
- fix copy
to clipboard button flickering
- Fix bug
for Nested Header Links, inside a table header it does a table sort whenever you click the copy
- CSS fix to
ensure consistency in image wrapping breaking to new line
- CEMS-1173:
fix content clipping behind sticky header on 90% zoom
- Added
theming and dark mode colors to the Expand node
- ED-8001
fix copy table in renderer on firefox.
- [ux]
ED-10055 Enable visually persistent Heading Anchor Links for the mobile renderer.
CSS styles relating to heading anchor links to remove hover
effects by default.78b192acc9
- ED-10169
Update imports for style constants from @atlaskit/editor-common to @atlaskit/editor-shared-styles
- [ED-10294]
Renderer: Style list items by absolute indentation level
- Adding
theming support and dark mode colors to table cell backgrounds
- [ux]
TWISTA-366 disabled touch feedback on annotations
Updated dependencies
[TWISTA-130] Implements ViewComponent prop for AnnotationProviders
- Upgraded
to TypeScript 3.9.6 and tslib to 2.0.0
Since tslib is a dependency for all our packages we recommend that products also follow this tslib upgrade to prevent duplicates of tslib being bundled.
- ED-8198
Include Spec based validator behind toggle for Rendererb932cbbc42
- Added
support for rendering image captions62eb1114c4
- Enable
passing of MediaFeatureFlags through Editor Renderer via MediaOptions to Media components6262f382de
- Use the
'lodash' package instead of single-function 'lodash.*' packages6fbaccca68
- ED-7786
(ED-7785, ED-7786) fix table content overlow (e.g. dates) when columns widths are smaller than the
[TWISTA-218] Implements the Mobile Bridge API methods to works with Inline Comments on Renderer
[TWISTA-146] Remove previous annotation highlight before focus in another one#3428
- Prop
can now be boolean or a config object. When the prop is true
, heading
anchor links will be enabled only on the top level of the document. When the prop is set to
{ allowNestedHeaderLinks: true }
we will enable the new UI for heading anchor links, and they
can be supported everywhere: in tables, panels, expands, etc.
[TWISTER-77] Creates Inline Comments on Renderer mode
[TWISTER-162] Inline Comments on Renderer can have draft marks
There is a new feature flag inside of the Annotation Providers. Hence, we can, for example, enable draft mode inside of the Inline Comments, like this:
const annotationProviders = {
allowDraftMode?: boolean;
selectionComponent?: React.ComponentType<
applyDraftMode: () => void;
removeDraftMode: () => void;
If the feature flag 'allowDraftMode' is true. You will be able to use the props applyDraftMode
and removeDraftMode
on your SelectionComponent. Nothing will happen if you Call those methods
when the flag is false
or undefined.
- ED-9428
Updated UI and UX for Header Links. The new UI is used when the allowNestedHeadingAnchorLinks
prop is enabled.
- CCCEM-1786
Unify panel styling between renderer and editor4f705f6468
- Memoize
getNodeRenderer in ExtensionRenderer to avoid unnecessary remounting of extensionsea8c96f505
- Adding
support to scroll to headers inside expands, by providing a new prop activeHeadingId
within the
config object allowHeadingAnchorLinks
in renderer props. When activeHeadingId
is set to a
valid heading id, then it will search for any expand that wraps it, and if any, it will open if
before hand. This will give the ability for the consumer to scroll to the heading id properly.c72502e22a
- ED-9594:
Remove cursor pointer from decision items in renderer87f4720f27
- Officially
dropping IE11 support, from this version onwards there are no warranties of the package working in
IE11. For more information see:
- [FM-3820]
Implements to set annotation state event on Rendererea81ff42a0
- [FM-3819]
Implements a subscriber API to allows set focus in an specific annotation82053beb2d
- ED-8944
fix: propagete width updates after scrolling
- CEMS-1067:
fix breakout mode in mobile renderer appearance
- CEMS-1099:
fix positioning of sticky header when table would be outside viewport
- CEMS-1131:
allow animation on sticky headers
will receive a top
CSS property only in sticky mode. When in pin-bottom
mode, its top
position is applied to its relatively positioned parent. When not in sticky mode,
neither of these elements will receive a top
This lets you animate any offsetTop
changes using something like:
div[mode="stick"] {
transition: top 0.25s ease;
Updated dependencies
- CEMS-1040:
rework sticky headers internally + match visual style to editor
There is a breaking change to the stickyHeaders.showStickyHeaders
prop. It has been renamed to
. You can also show sticky headers by passing a truthy value to
- [FM-3726]
Call onAnnotationClick when user taps in inline comment on Renderer0ae829a4ea
- EDM-648:
Adds resizing and alignment to embed cards1508cc97c9
- fix:
lazy-rendering, React key, isFrameVisible in @atlaskit/renderer and click handlers for EmbedCard
- CEMS-1103:
fix sticky header row not aligning with content7c75ddf54f
- [EDM-704]:
Fix EmbedCard UI issues996e045cc4
- EDM-776:
add platform prop to @atlaskit/smart-card for rendering fallback on mobile (embed -> block)71a4de3370
- ED-9524
Prevent right side shadow from overlapping product UI elementsc41b33f7af
- ED-9251:
Add support to RendererActions for validating a range to apply an annotation toe30894b112
- [FM-3716]
First Inline Comments implementation for Renderer177421dd67
- ED-9207:
Add ability to remove annotations from the renderer5f9c856055
- ED-9221:
Add support for adding annotations at deeper depths50c333ab3a
- EDM-216:
Adds EmbedCards in the Editor under the flag - allowEmbeds in the UNSAFE_cards propf82edca013
- ED-9298:
Fix media sizing when default conatiner width is 7603ce990ebd4
- ED-9226:
Fixes bug where having a Range end in the middle of an inline would create an incorrect annotation0964848b95
- [FM-3505]
Add support for inline comments in the renderer mobile bridge getElementScrollOffsetByNodeType
- ED-9298:
Fix media size after changing default container width to 760px in renderer8d91382fb1
- ED-9214:
When creating an annotation we can identify marks rather than guessing inline nodes.d9ef0a849a
- ED-9232:
fix ssr rendering for tables after sticky headers change54d82b49f0
- Remove
unused dependencies93daf076e4
- fix: bugs
with Block Links - floating menu placement, spacing, editing of link title or source, lazy
- Updated to
use the latest and more performant version of @atlaskit/avatar
- ED-9155:
Rename prop extensionParams
to node
in the extensions api v28bc9f3e9af
- ED-8942:
Changed default font size for full width editor and renderer
is disabled it equals to 16px.403377ca1a
- ED-8997:
Implements creating marks on basic text selections6c0647b10a
- ED-9225:
Ensure position counting naming is less generic (start -> renderer-start-pos)-
- ED-8358
Revert making decisions background grey-
- ED-9177:
Block creation when selection contains nodes which cannot be annotated-
- ED-9197:
upgrade prosemirror-transform to prevent cut and paste type errors
It's important to make sure that there isn't any prosemirror-transform
packages with version
less than 1.2.5 in yarn.lock
- ED-9176:
add annotations to task and decisions- Updated dependencies
ED-9033: Add initial API for Renderer Actions
You can access the new API via @atlaskit/renderer/actions
. Available exports include:
, and WithRendererActions
Renderer Actions interface:
interface RendererActionsOptions {
annotate: (
range: Range,
annotationId: string,
annotationType: 'inlineComment',
) =>
| {
step: Step;
doc?: ADFDoc;
| undefined;
An example setup would look like:
import {
RendererActionsContext as RendererContext,
} from '@atlaskit/renderer/actions';
function App() { return ( <RendererContext> <WithRendererActions render={(actions) => { // actions.annotate is available now return ( <Renderer /> ) }}> </RendererContext> ) }
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [3b776be426](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/3b776be426):
- Updated dependencies [999fbf849e](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/999fbf849e):
- Updated dependencies [4d8d550d69](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/4d8d550d69):
- Updated dependencies [3940bd71f1](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/3940bd71f1):
- Updated dependencies [6b8e60827e](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/6b8e60827e):
- Updated dependencies [92d04b5c28](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/92d04b5c28):
- Updated dependencies [d6eb7bb49f](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/d6eb7bb49f):
- Updated dependencies [449ef134b3](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/449ef134b3):
- Updated dependencies [22704db5a3](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/22704db5a3):
- Updated dependencies [f6667f2909](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/f6667f2909):
- Updated dependencies [f7f2068a76](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/f7f2068a76):
- Updated dependencies [acc12dba75](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/acc12dba75):
- Updated dependencies [167a55fd7a](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/167a55fd7a):
- Updated dependencies [1156536403](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/1156536403):
- Updated dependencies [2e52d035cd](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/2e52d035cd):
- Updated dependencies [57c0487a02](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/57c0487a02):
- Updated dependencies [cf41823165](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/cf41823165):
- Updated dependencies [aec7fbadcc](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-frontend/commits/aec7fbadcc):
- @atlaskit/smart-card@13.2.0
- @atlaskit/editor-common@45.1.0
- @atlaskit/media-card@67.2.1
- @atlaskit/tooltip@15.2.6
- @atlaskit/button@13.3.11
- @atlaskit/adf-schema@9.0.1
- @atlaskit/icon@20.1.1
- @atlaskit/logo@12.3.4
- @atlaskit/code@11.1.5
- @atlaskit/avatar@17.1.10
- @atlaskit/adf-utils@9.2.0
- @atlaskit/navigation-next@8.0.4
- @atlaskit/task-decision@16.0.11
- @atlaskit/editor-json-transformer@7.0.11
- @atlaskit/editor-test-helpers@11.1.1
ED-8941: Add inline script to properly resize breakout nodes after ssr- [minor]16c193eb3e:
FM-3455: New prop disableActions
to disable all actions in renderer.- [minor]1a48183584:
ED-8986 feat: guard media links with media.allowLinking feature prop- [minor]0b22d3b9ea:
CEMS-889: add support for sticky headers in renderer
pass props.document as adf document instead of window.document- [patch]109004a98e:
Deletes internal package @atlaskit/type-helpers and removes all usages. @atlaskit/type-helpers has been superseded by native typescript helper utilities.- [patch]de6548dae5:
ED-8884 fixed alt text on external images in renderer- [patch]9dd4b9088b:
EDM-563: Adding onClick handlers to BlockCard to Renderer handling- [patch]17a46dd016:
CEMS-889: re-apply sticky styles to tables if renderer props change- [patch]67bc25bc3f:
Move WidthObserver from editor-common to width-detector
WidthObserver is a more performant version of WidthDetector and should be used going forward.
import { WidthObserver } from '@atlaskit/width-detector';
setWidth={width => console.log(`width has changed to ${width}`)}
ED-8748 ED-8211: Update media linking UI experience in renderer, fixes other rendering issues and workarounds.
EDM-281: Fix broken image wrapping in Editor- Updated dependencies bc29fbc030:
Updated dependencies 7d80e44c09:
Updated dependencies 1386afaecc:
Updated dependencies eb962d2c36:
Updated dependencies 5f5b93071f:
Updated dependencies 584279e2ae:
Updated dependencies 9d2da865dd:
Updated dependencies f83b67a761:
Updated dependencies 70b68943d1:
Updated dependencies 6b4fe5d0e0:
Updated dependencies 9a93eff8e6:
Updated dependencies d49ebd7c7a:
Updated dependencies 53ebcdb974:
Updated dependencies 4bec09aa74:
Updated dependencies d63888b5e5:
Updated dependencies 0a0a54cb47:
Updated dependencies 6dcad31e41:
Updated dependencies 8c9e4f1ec6:
Updated dependencies 8f046e84f0:
Updated dependencies bdf25b1c4c:
Updated dependencies 3cbc8a49a2:
Updated dependencies 645918eda6:
Updated dependencies fad8a16962:
Updated dependencies 715572f9e5:
Updated dependencies cc54ca2490:
ED-6885 Fix hard break without text afterwards not showing in renderer- [patch]c7b205c83f:
ED-8637, ED-8783 Add visit analytics to links (including mediaLink ED-8637) in renderer- [patch]703b72cdba:
EDM-356: Fix media size in comment renderer- [patch]cd662c7e4c:
Stop propagation of onClick event handlers inside any media node with a Link mark- [patch]5e3aab8e77:
pass originalDimensions to media-card- Updated dependencies b408e050ab:
Updated dependencies bc380c30ce:
Updated dependencies 7602615cd4:
Updated dependencies 66dcced7a0:
Updated dependencies 5bb23adac3:
Updated dependencies fd5292fd5a:
Updated dependencies 0732eedea7:
Updated dependencies c171660346:
Updated dependencies 27fde59914:
Updated dependencies 4695ac5697:
Updated dependencies 96ee7441fe:
Updated dependencies b18fc8a1b6:
Updated dependencies 196500df34:
Updated dependencies be57ca3829:
Updated dependencies 9957801602:
Updated dependencies d7ed7b1513:
Updated dependencies 893886e05a:
Updated dependencies 41a2496393:
Updated dependencies 7baff84f38:
Updated dependencies 39ee28797d:
Updated dependencies fd5292fd5a:
Updated dependencies 025842de1a:
Updated dependencies bbf5eb8824:
Updated dependencies eea5e9bd8c:
Updated dependencies 695e1c1c31:
Updated dependencies 6b06a7baa9:
Updated dependencies fd5292fd5a:
Updated dependencies a5d0019a5e:
Updated dependencies 8b34c7371d:
Updated dependencies e981669ba5:
Updated dependencies 5e3aab8e77:
Updated dependencies 395739b5ef:
Updated dependencies 77474b6821:
EDM-388 Fix rendering unsupported content when no expand or layout is present in the schema
Remove deprecated legacy image node. It is superseded by the media single node.
ED-8306: Fix sorting tables with empty cells- [patch]8183f7c8da:
Remove Karma tests - based on AFP-960- [patch]a1bc1e6637:
AFP-1437: Fix vulnerability issue for url-parse and bump to ^1.4.5.Packages.- [patch]b924951169:
ED-7713 Update styling of table sorting button in renderer- [patch]02b2a2079c:
Fix image alignment in layouts in renderer + expose ClearNextSiblingMarginTop- Updated dependencies 9e90cb4336:
Updated dependencies e8a31c2714:
Updated dependencies 4c6b8024c8:
Updated dependencies 151240fce9:
Updated dependencies 8d09cd0408:
Updated dependencies 088f4f7d1e:
Updated dependencies 9d6b02c04f:
Updated dependencies f709e92247:
Updated dependencies 8183f7c8da:
Updated dependencies 79cabaee0c:
Updated dependencies ded54f7b9f:
Updated dependencies eeaa647c31:
Updated dependencies 0603860c07:
Updated dependencies e3a8052151:
Updated dependencies c1992227dc:
Updated dependencies 02b2a2079c:
Remove namespace imports from React, ReactDom, and PropTypes- Updated dependencies 6548261c9a:
ED-8151 Alt text is promoted to full schema. Feature flag and MediaOptions property UNSAFE_allowAltTextOnImages was renamed to allowAltTextOnImages.- [patch]b8da779506:
ED-8607 fixed invalid spread usage for i18n messages in expand- Updated dependencies 5181c5d368:
Updated dependencies 3b19e30129:
Updated dependencies 6ca6aaa1d7:
Updated dependencies fe4eaf06fc:
Updated dependencies b01fc0ceef:
Updated dependencies d085ab4419:
Updated dependencies c0102a3ea2:
Updated dependencies 555818c33a:
Updated dependencies 0e439590a3:
Updated dependencies b8da779506:
Updated dependencies b9dc265bc9:
fix margin top on paragraphs so it has a unit by default- [patch]cf9858fa09:
[ED-8189] Allow resizing media inside of native expand using the breakout container size- Updated dependencies 5504a7da8c:
Updated dependencies 966622bd45:
Updated dependencies 3002c015cc:
Updated dependencies b52f2be5d9:
Updated dependencies 9d8752351f:
Updated dependencies 3e87f5596a:
Updated dependencies 3160e15523:
Updated dependencies d2b8166208:
Updated dependencies cf9858fa09:
Updated dependencies 26dbe7be6d:
Updated dependencies cfcd27b2e4:
Updated dependencies 6ee177aeb4:
Updated dependencies e0f0654d4c:
Updated dependencies ec929ab10e:
[ED-8307] Create an IframeWidthObserverFallbackWrapper when product does not given one to WidthObserver- [patch]2ffdeb5a48:
[ED-6984] Fix timestamp convert dates to use UTC and implements proper internationalization- [patch]29643d4593:
ED-8025 Sort table tooltip renderer- [patch]4cd37dd052:
ED-8153 ED-8302: Styling fixes for expands including: increasing the hit area for expand titles in the renderer, better hover transitions and lowered spacing between expands.- [patch]dfb3b76a4b:
ED-7781 Update anchor link text- Updated dependencies 28f8f0e089:
Updated dependencies d1055e0e50:
Updated dependencies e0daa78402:
Updated dependencies 2ffdeb5a48:
Updated dependencies 97d1245875:
Updated dependencies 4eefd368a8:
Updated dependencies 82747f2922:
Updated dependencies 5a54e163a7:
Updated dependencies 486a5aec29:
Updated dependencies 46e6693eb3:
Updated dependencies 4cd37dd052:
Updated dependencies 03c917044e:
Updated dependencies 83300f0b6d:
Updated dependencies d3f4c97f6a:
Updated dependencies e5dd37f7a4:
Updated dependencies 81897eb2e6:
Updated dependencies 4a223473c5:
Fix type errors caused when generating declaration files- Updated dependencies 36f6e99c5b:
ED-8082 fixed click are for media link
ED-8191 fix expand button position when disabled- [patch]24865cfaff:
Make @atlaskit/smart-card a peerDependency of editor/renderer- Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Updated dependencies 24865cfaff:
Add support to extensions v2 (using manifests and extension providers)
Exposed the fadeOutHeight prop and passed the value through to the TruncatedWrapper when Renderer is rendering a truncated document
Add alt text support for renderer
ED-8073 ED-8074: Align expand title to the left when it wraps and align the expand chevron to the top
ED-8018 fixed an issue when click on a linked media, it opens preview.
Corrects the type exports for typography, colors, elevation and layers. If you were doing any dynamic code it may break you. Refer to the upgrade guide for help upgrading.- Updated dependencies 271945fd08:
Updated dependencies 161a30be16:
Updated dependencies ea0e619cc7:
Updated dependencies 5b8a074ce6:
Updated dependencies 49fbe3d3bf:
Updated dependencies c1d4898af5:
Updated dependencies 579779f5aa:
Updated dependencies ef2ba36d5c:
Updated dependencies 6e4b678428:
Updated dependencies bb164fbd1e:
Updated dependencies 3c0f6feee5:
Updated dependencies b3fd0964f2:
Updated dependencies 10425b84b4:
Updated dependencies 4700477bbe:
Updated dependencies f9c291923c:
Updated dependencies 9a261337b5:
Updated dependencies cc1b89d310:
Updated dependencies 938f1c2902:
Updated dependencies 926798632e:
ED-7949: Migrate expand react component to renderer from common to avoid extra deps being added to common
ED-7878 Add expand analytics v1
ED-7876 Implement expand and nestedExpand in Editor and Renderer
A work in progress implementation of the new expand
and nestedExpand
nodes. These are
currently disabled by default, but can be tested by enabling an editor prop.
Note, expand
and nestedExpand
are only in the stage-0
ADF schema (as of this changeset).
Adding support for alt text on editor and renderer
Fix linting errors from prettier upgrade
Updated dependencies 6d9c8a9073:
Updated dependencies 70e1055b8f:
ED-5450: remove most of ts-ignores from editor packages- [patch]0e10be832e:
this is not a breaking change
Renderer public remains the same since the ProviderFactory
type has not direct contract with
ED-7631: removed containerAri for task-decisions components- [major]ae4f336a3a:
FABDODGEM-13 Editor Damask Release - Internal post
Affected Editor Components:
tables, media, mobile, emoji, tasks & decisions, analytics
event dispatched when media is interacted with via the media card or viewer.
text attribute on media image elements.
Bumped dependencies.
ED-7674: support nested actions in stage-0 schema; change DOM representation of actions
This changeset adds support for nesting actions at the schema level, currently only within the stage-0 ADF schema.
The editor and renderer currently do nothing special to represent these nested actions. As of this release, they appear as as flat list.
To enable this feature, use the new allowNestedTasks
This release also changes the DOM representation of actions away from a ol > li
structure, to a
div > div
one. That is, both the taskList
and taskItem
are wrapped in div
Because taskLists can now be allowed to nest themselves, this would otherwise have created an
ol > ol
structure, which is invalid.-
FM-2370 Add "onError" callback prop to Renderer element
This is called when the provided ADF is invalid and does not load
Added shouldOpenMediaViewer property to Renderer to override the default behaviour.
The new optional property will act according to the following:
Adding missing license to packages and update to Copyright 2019 Atlassian Pty Ltd.- [patch]3c1c4a4bed:
ED-7849 fixed issue for header anchor links can't be copied in Columns- [patch]a86ad00736:
MS-2416: Adding package info in analytics GASv3 payload- [patch]e0a1c40a84:
make the text serializer for renderer to respect ADF mention attributes (text is not mandatory)- [patch]0a7a1e4995:
ED-7860 Fix empty heading ids caused by striping out all special characters
ED-7766 improve heading anchor link analytics
Updated dependencies c3e65f1b9e:
Updated dependencies bd94b1d552:
Updated dependencies e7b5c917de:
Updated version of analytics-next to fix potential incompatibilities with TS 3.6
Delay loading code blocks and task items- [minor]65ada7f318:
FABDODGEM-12 Editor Cashmere Release
Affected editor components:
tables, media, mobile, text color, emoji, copy/paste, analytics
Text color
Mobile - Implement undo/redo interface on Hybrid Editor - https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/FM-2393
Copy and Paste
- Support copy & paste when missing context-id attr
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/MS-2344
- Right click + copy image fails the second time that is pasted
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/MS-2324
- Copying a never touched image for the first time from editor fails to paste
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/MS-2338
- Implement analytics when a file is copied
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/MS-2036
Notable Bug Fixes
- Implement consistent behaviour for rule and mediaSingle on insertion
- Feature Flag:
- allowNewInsertionBehaviour - [default: true]
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7503
- Fixed bug where we were showing table controls on mobile.
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7690
- Fixed bug where editor crashes after unmounting react component.
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7318
- Fixed bug where custom emojis are not been showed on the editor
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7726
ED-7449 Implement sorting inline cards inside tables base on resolved title
[ED-7727] Improve not allowed sorting message when the table has merged cells. Now the message will show up only on the sorting icon avoiding conflicts with confluence comments- [patch]e0edc768ec:
ED-7743 special chars in heading will gets removed.- [patch]1ea48d7fd1:
ED-7244 Fixed flaky test- [patch]dac3a85916:
ED-7318 Prevent manipulating the DOM after the editor has been destroyed
Editor Bombazine Release
​ Renderer
- Change in contract for eventHandlers.smartCard.onClick
prop: Old: onClick(url): void
New: onClick(event, url): void
​ ADF Schema
- Remove applicationCard node and action mark
- Remove exposed `tableBackgroundBorderColors` in favour of `tableBackgroundBorderColor`
Affected editor components:
Tables, Media, Headings, Copy and Paste, Mobile
Anchor Links
- Headings in the renderer now show an anchor link on hover
- Feature Flag:
- allowHeadingAnchorLinks - [default: false]
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-5137
Copy and Paste
- Fixed a bug where right click for copy image failed the second time that is pasted
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/MS-2324
- Resizing/Aligning media inside Table
- Feature Flag:
- allowResizingInTables - [default: false]
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-6359
- You can now insert same file from MediaPicker twice
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/MS-2080
- Implement media link in renderer
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7244
- Implement table sorting in renderer - [NEW BIG FEATURE][not enabled]
- Feature Flag:
- allowColumnSorting – [default: false]
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7392
- Expanded table cell background color palette
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7201
- Provide method for scrolling to actions, decisions and mentions
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/FM-2261
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/FM-2055
- Improve Hybrid Editor Scrolling
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/FM-2212
Notable Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't split merged cells when a cell contained a media item
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-6898
- Pasting content with an emoji no longer duplicates the emoji as an image
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7513
- Content inside of a table cell no longer overflows if table looses focus
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7529
- Fixed an issue when adding rows and cols at the same time start adding infinite columns
- https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/browse/ED-7700- [major] [40ead387ef](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlaskit-mk-2/commits/40ead387ef):
ED-7532 Expose ability to cancel default browser behavior when clicking Smart Links- [major]80adfefba2:
Remove applicationCard node and action mark
ED-7244 added hover effects for media link in renderer- [minor]3f1c7dd26a:
[ED-7392] Add sort table by column on renderer behind allowColumnSorting feature flag [ED-7392] Extract common methods to sort table
ED-5137 added heading anchor link
You can now use the allowHeadingAnchorLinks
prop to display heading anchor links in renderer,
next to all top level headings. There is also an existing property called disableHeadingIDs
when you set both disableHeadingIDs
and allowHeadingAnchorLinks
to false, the anchor link
button will not display, however the heading anchor id will still be in the DOM.
Note: This feature is only enabled for top level headings(e.g. not nested in other blocks like table).
ED-7244 updated hover animation style- [patch]030e778af9:
pass contextId to media card
Updated dependencies 1194ad5eb3:
ED-7532 Expose ability to cancel default browser behaviour when clicking Smart Links within the Mobile Renderer.
Prefix the legacy lifecycle methods with UNSAFE_* to avoid warning in React 16.9+
More information about the deprecation of lifecycles methods can be found here: https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/29/react-v-16-3.html#component-lifecycle-changes
Components now depend on TS 3.6 internally, in order to fix an issue with TS resolving non-relative imports as relative imports
Analytics-next has been converted to Typescript. Typescript consumers will now get static type safety. Flow types are no longer provided. No behavioural changes.
Breaking changes
alias has been removed, please use withAnalyticsEvents
alias has been removed, please use withAnalyticsContext
Breaking changes to TypeScript annotations
now infers proptypes automatically, consumers no longer need to provide
props as a generic type.withAnalyticsContext
now infers proptypes automatically, consumers no longer need to provide
props as a generic type.WithAnalyticsEventProps
has been renamed to WithAnalyticsEventsProps
to match source
has been renamed to CreateUIAnalyticsEvent
to match
source codeUIAnalyticsEventHandlerSignature
has been renamed to UIAnalyticsEventHandler
to match
source codeAnalyticsEventsPayload
has been renamed to AnalyticsEventPayload
has been removed, please use Record<string, any>
or [key: string]: any
has been removed, please use UIAnalyticsEvent
has been removed, please use AnalyticsEvent
removed and should now be inferred by TypeScriptAnalyticsEventUpdater
removed and should now be inferred by TypeScript[patch]6164bc2629:
ED-6806 Move 'calcTableColumnWidths' from adf-schema into editor-common
We move 'calcTableColumnWidths' helper from adf-schema into our helper library editor-common, you can use it from editor-common in the same way:
import { calcTableColumnWidths } from '@atlaskit/adf-schema';
import { calcTableColumnWidths } from '@atlaskit/editor-common';
```- [patch] [d4223be707](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlaskit-mk-2/commits/d4223be707):
ED-6805 Fix table column widths calculation (renderer/confluence-transformer)
Give all editor decorations a key to prevent ProseMirror from re-rendering decorations constantly.
Enables YAML language for codeblocks
ED-7267: Validate URLs passing through smart links- [patch]9f8ab1084b:
Consume analytics-next ts type definitions as an ambient declaration.
Add media attrs to MediaSingle node on renderer
This ensures we populate the clipboard with enough media information, that can be used later on editor side on paste event, to copy the file to the destination collection.
ED-7041, SL-231: fix copying smart link from renderer to editor
ED-7192 Fix wrong version of @atlaskit/analytics-namespaced-context inside renderer
uploadContext and viewContext fields of MediaProvider (part of Editor and Renderer props) are deprecated. New fields uploadMediaClientConfig and viewMediaClientConfig should be used from now on.
IMPORTANT! This release accidentally released breaking changes. MediaProvider's field
was replaced with uploadMediaClientConfig
. This was fixed in the following version
Minor change: Add RUM to renderer
ED-7117, ED-7087: Fix copy pasting smart links out of editor. Fallback to HTML anchor tag if errors occur during rendering (e.g. no provider found).
ED-7105 Fix issue where images in full-width mode page could be a different size between the editor and renderer
Bump new version of @atlaskit/mention to other AK packages to get correct i18n strings
ED-6991 Fire analytics event for renderer started
Set up analytics v3 in renderer
Updated dependencies 9ecfef12ac:
Updated dependencies 97bfe81ec8:
Updated dependencies 7c17b35107:
This issue was caused by dynamic sizing, a default table being created in 760 width and then being rendered in 680 width.
Also included in this patch: Preventing the shadow appearing on the right hand side of the table, when there is no overflow.
import Renderer from '@atlaskit/renderer';
<Renderer document={...} appearance="full-width" />
If you’ve been using CardView for loading:
<CardView status="loading" mediaItemType="file" dimensions={cardDimensions} />
Now you can use new component:
<CardLoading dimensions={cardDimensions} />
If you were using CardView to show an error
<CardView status="error" mediaItemType={type} dimensions={cardDimensions} />
Now you can use new component:
<CardError dimensions={cardDimensions} />
In case you were using CardView to show image with known external URI:
<CardView status="complete" dataURI={dataURI} metadata={metadata} />
You will have to find a way to switch to using Card component using ExternalImageIdentifier interface:
<Card identifier={identifier} context={context} />
Updated dependencies 9d5cc39394:
Updated dependencies fc6164c8c2:
Updated dependencies 190c4b7bd3:
Updated dependencies 85d5d168fd:
Updated dependencies 80f765b:
Renderer can now handle empty headings, actions & decisions
ED-5583: Add support for more EventHandlers in the renderer
mark, BlockCard
node and InlineCard
event handlers as this node no longer exists in the renderer.[patch][f3d067d](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlaskit-mk-2/commits/f3d067d" d):
[patch][8636991](https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlaskit-mk-2/commits/8636991" d):
[patch] ED-5170: fix table horizontal scroll in renderer c8eb097
[none] Updated dependencies 597e0bd
[none] Updated dependencies 61df453
[none] Updated dependencies 812a39c
[none] Updated dependencies c8eb097
[major] Updated dependencies d02746f