[ED-14606] Move bitbucket schema, confluence schema, jira schema, and default schema from
@atlaskit/adf-schema to their own entry points. These new entry points are as follows
@atlaskit/adf-schema/schema-bitbucket for:
@atlaskit/adf-schema/schema-confluence for:
- confluenceSchema
- confluenceSchemaWithMediaSingle
@atlaskit/adf-schema/schema-jira for:
- default as createJIRASchema
- isSchemaWithLists
- isSchemaWithMentions
- isSchemaWithEmojis
- isSchemaWithLinks
- isSchemaWithAdvancedTextFormattingMarks
- isSchemaWithCodeBlock
- isSchemaWithBlockQuotes
- isSchemaWithMedia
- isSchemaWithSubSupMark
- isSchemaWithTextColor
- isSchemaWithTables
@atlaskit/adf-schema/schema-default for:
- defaultSchema
- getSchemaBasedOnStage
- defaultSchemaConfig
This change also includes codemods in @atlaskit/adf-schema to update these entry points. It also
introduces a new util function "changeImportEntryPoint" to @atlaskit/codemod-utils to handle this