Editor plugin copy button
editor-plugin-copy-button for @atlaskit/editor-core
yarn add @atlaskit/editor-plugin-copy-button
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
Internal Editor Use Only
Editor Plugin Copy Button is intended for internal use by the Editor Platform as a plugin dependency of the Editor within your product.
Direct use of this component is not supported.
Consider using Editor Core instead.
Note: This component is designed for internal Atlassian development.
External contributors will be able to use this component but will not be able to submit issues.
This package includes the copy-button plugin used by @atlaskit/editor-core.
The dependencies
, configuration
, state
, actions
, and commands
of the plugin are defined
type CopyButtonPlugin = NextEditorPlugin<'copyButton'>;
For internal Atlassian, visit the slack channel #help-editor for support or visit go/editor-help to submit a bug.
Please see Atlassian Frontend - License for more licensing information.