Editor core - Autoformatting

Autoformatting Provider

The custom autoformatting provider lets you specify your own function that triggers on particular regex strings, and asynchronously replace them with some content. More precisely, it returns a Promise containing ADF to replace the trigger text with.

See Editor RFC 131: Injectable auto-formatting rules, AutoformattingProvider for context, use-cases, and some more detail on how this works.


An example provider is used in the storybook example. Try typing "ED-123"!


Storybook Example

The provider used in the storybook example is exported from the @atlaskit/editor-test-helpers package. You probably want to use this as a base to build a more full-featured resolver.

Simplified Example

A stripped back example might look like:

export const autoformattingProvider: AutoformattingProvider = { getRules: () => Promise.resolve({ '[Ee][Dd]-(\\d+)': (match: string[]): Promise<ADFEntity> => { const ticketNumber = match[1]; return new Promise.resolve({ type: 'inlineCard', attrs: { url: 'https://www.atlassian.com/', }, }); }, }), };


At the moment, only text or inlineCard ADF nodes are permitted to be replaced.