A wrapper for rendering components in React portals.
yarn add @atlaskit/portal
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
A wrapper for rendering components in React portals.
yarn add @atlaskit/portal
This package's peerDependencies
have been adjusted for react
and/or react-dom
to reflect the
status of only supporting React 18 going forward. No explicit breaking change to React support has
been made in this release, but this is to signify going forward, breaking changes for React 16 or
React 17 may come via non-major semver releases.
Please refer this community post for more details: https://community.developer.atlassian.com/t/rfc-78-dropping-support-for-react-16-and-rendering-in-a-react-18-concurrent-root-in-jira-and-confluence/87026
Update React
from v16 to v180e8e931171299
Testing behind a feature gate, adds a Suspense boundary to all created React 18 portals (also
behind a feature gate)57f451bda8919
Adds side-effect config to support Compiled css extraction in third-party apps7524331eed2c5
New Portal logic for React 18 concurrent renderer behind a feature flag#127511
Widening range of react
and react-dom
peer dependencies from ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ~18.2.0
to the wider range of ``^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0` (where applicable).
This change has been done to enable usage of react@18.3
as well as to have a consistent peer
dependency range for react
and react-dom
for /platform
Bump peer dependency for react-dom to include version 17 and 18.5e96c34106b2e
DSP-19412 Add optional chaining to document.body function call to resolve type errorsa8bd419fd70b9
Explicitly set jsxRuntime to classic via pragma comments in order to avoid issues where jsxRuntime
is implicitly set to automatic.35fd5ed8e1d7
Upgrading internal dependency bind-event-listener
to @^3.0.0
- Skip
minor dependency bump9827dcb82b8
- No-op
change to introduce spacing tokens to design system components.8a5bdb3c844
Upgrading internal dependency (bind-event-listener) for improved internal typesb3e5a62a9e3
- Adds
techstack to package, enforcing stricter style linting. In this case the package already
satisfied this requirement so there have been no changes to styles.cf853e39278
- Retains
the portal wrapper in the DOM after the last portal is unmounted. This drastically reduces the
style recalculations and improves performance for portalled elements.cd34d8ca8ea
- Internal
wiring up to the tokens techstack, no code changes.ea086afdc2d
- Fix bug
where Portal was attached to the body after the children were rendered. Now Portal is attached
before it's children are rendered.d6f7ff383cf
- Updates
to development dependency storybook-addon-performance
- Removes
usage of styled-components in favour of standardising on emotion8b360a4ac06
Update modal dialog selector for VR & integration testsd4f0c36ac36
Converted class based portal component to functional component and dropped unused ie11 specific
- Removed
deprecated auto entry points and added new entry points in Portale87c4a5ae8b
Optimisation of z-index to layer name by removing dependency on atlaskit theme package5f58283e1f
- Export
types using Typescript's new "export type" syntax to satisfy Typescript's --isolatedModules
compiler option. This requires version 3.8 of Typescript, read more about how we handle Typescript
versions here: https://atlaskit.atlassian.com/get-started Also add typescript
to denote version that the package was built with.#3885
- Upgraded
to TypeScript 3.9.6 and tslib to 2.0.0
Since tslib is a dependency for all our packages we recommend that products also follow this tslib upgrade to prevent duplicates of tslib being bundled.
- Rearange
buttons order to align with design guidelinesdb053b24d8
- Update all
the theme imports to be tree-shakable87f4720f27
- Officially
dropping IE11 support, from this version onwards there are no warranties of the package working in
IE11. For more information see:
- Build and
supporting files will no longer be published to npm4069606178
- Change
imports to comply with Atlassian conventions- Updated dependencies[patch]603413f530:
Remove 'export *' for improved tree shaking- Updated dependencies 168b5f90e5:
Updated dependencies f5b654c328:
Updated dependencies 0c270847cb:
Updated dependencies 109004a98e:
Updated dependencies b9903e773a:
Updated dependencies 0389a42cc5:
Updated dependencies 89bf723567:
Remove namespace imports from React, ReactDom, and PropTypes- Updated dependencies 6548261c9a:
Removes babel/runtime from dependencies. Users should see a smaller bundlesize as a result- Updated dependencies 28f8f0e089:
Updated dependencies 82747f2922:
Updated dependencies 4a223473c5:
Corrects the type exports for typography, colors, elevation and layers. If you were doing any dynamic code it may break you. Refer to the upgrade guide for help upgrading.- Updated dependencies c1d4898af5:
Updated dependencies 3c0f6feee5:
Updated dependencies f9c291923c:
Warning: Do not use this version. It has been deprecated
It is broken for ie11 if you are not polyfilling the new Event
Adding missing license to packages and update to Copyright 2019 Atlassian Pty Ltd.
Warning: Do not use this version. It has been deprecated
It is broken for ie11 if you are not polyfilling the new Event
Add mount and unmount events to @atlaskit/portal
Components now depend on TS 3.6 internally, in order to fix an issue with TS resolving non-relative imports as relative imports
Updated dependencies 06c5cccf9d:
As a breaking change, all @atlaskit packages will be dropping cjs distributions and will only
distribute esm. This means all distributed code will be transpiled, but will still contain
and export
The major reason for doing this is to allow us to support multiple entry points in packages, e.g:
import colors from `@atlaskit/theme/colors`;
Previously this was sort of possible for consumers by doing something like:
import colors from `@atlaskit/theme/dist/esm/colors`;
This has a couple of issues. 1, it treats the file system as API making internal refactors harder, we have to worry about how consumers might be using things that aren't actually supposed to be used. 2. We are unable to do this internally in @atlaskit packages. This leads to lots of packages bundling all of theme, just to use a single color, especially in situations where tree shaking fails.
To support being able to use multiple entrypoints internally, we unfortunately cannot have multiple distributions as they would need to have very different imports from of their own internal dependencies.
ES Modules are widely supported by all modern bundlers and can be worked around in node environments.
We may choose to revisit this solution in the future if we find any unintended condequences, but we see this as a pretty sane path forward which should lead to some major bundle size decreases, saner API's and simpler package architecture.
Please reach out to #fabric-build (if in Atlassian) or create an issue in Design System Support (for external) if you have any questions or queries about this.