- In this
version we bring significant performance improvements as well as improving the experience of using
- removed dynamic loading of inline dialog allowing consumers to compose their own experiences
- merged controlled & uncontrolled inline edit components
- split
to its own entry-point
Handling errors with inline edit
You can now customise editView
when its content is invalid. For example, use the errorMessage
and isInvalid
props to show errors with inline dialog:
editView={({ errorMessage, ...fieldProps }) => (
<TextField {...fieldProps} autoFocus />
Controlled and uncontrolled component
From this version, inline edit will act as either controlled or uncontrolled based on the props
passed in. Please refer to
the example here
for more details.
When in controlled, you can control the state by set isEditing
through onCancel
, onConfirm
and onEdit
From this version, InlineEditableTextfield
now has its own entrypoint so you can import only
what you use. Like so:
import InlineEditableTextfield from '@atlaskit/inline-edit/inline-editable-textfield';
Running the codemod cli To run the codemod: You first need to have the latest version
installed before you can run the codemod
yarn upgrade @atlaskit/inline-edit@^12.0.0
Once upgraded, use the Atlaskit codemod-cli;
npx @atlaskit/codemod-cli --parser [PARSER] --extensions [FILE_EXTENSIONS] [TARGET_PATH]
The CLI will show a list of components and versions so select @atlaskit/inline-edit@^12.0.0
you will automatically be upgraded. If your usage of PACKAGE cannot be upgraded a comment will be
left that a manual change is required.
Run npx @atlaskit/codemod-cli -h
for more details on usage. For Atlassians, refer to
this doc for more details
on the codemod CLI.