Codemod cli
A cli for distributing codemods for atlassian-frontend components and services
yarn add @atlaskit/codemod-cli
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
A cli for distributing codemods for atlassian-frontend components and services
yarn add @atlaskit/codemod-cli
Added new codemod for migrating to Link component from @atlaskit/link
Fixed the import path check in remove-gemini-dark-options transformer4f11a637eccad
Fixed the import path checking in remove-gemini-dark-options transformer.61059e42a3aa2
Added a new preset and codemod for removing dark options from Gemini VR tests.862fb8cdd4b71
Codemod includes new migration pathways for legacy buttoncc57d517bca2a
Migrate to new buttons codemod now adds comment for deprecated overlay
Fixed the duplicated "Button" imports after migrating loading buttons to default buttons.1eb788112d7d
Various improvements to migrate-to-new-buttons
codemod to improve success rate.868e9aebf5af
Fix icon buttons with loading being converted to default buttons28061857f2cd
Prevent migration of buttons where icon component might be wrapped.41fe923d46ae
Fix duplicated button imports when migrating LoadingButtons in test files.7cb9b3b277be
Update button mod to prefer render props over UNSAFE_ APIs1de8dc826f8d
Fixed the duplicated label issue and the missing JSX pragma comment.#70616
Adding a new pattern for upgrading Pragmatic drag and drop consumers to 1.0
Pattern name: "upgrade-pragmatic-drag-and-drop-to-stable"
Moves tokens codemods into the tokens package.8dd71b2e0653
Updated bin property to string as the package name and bin name matches.
Migrate packages to use declarative entry points4055341131ca
Update button codemod to add type keywork for type imports101b5d5ef72a
Small changes in mixin migration - Use token
instead of theamed
to avoid migration to
depricated code03bb58064010
Added a small bug-fix in button codemods: add TODO comment on default buttons with "link" or
"subtle-link" appearance but without href
Now building the @atlaskit/tokens
package when during "prestart"
as tokens is required to be
built for some of the patterns to run.2c30839b5156
Button migration codemods- updated import path to the new entry point "@atlaskit/button/new"360ae69766f9
small fix in button migration codemod - don't move the size prop from icon if it is medium.a48d9247ddb2
- Small
changes in button migration codemod - renamed UNSAFE_size to UNSAFE_iconBefore/iconAfter_size for
new link and default buttons15c0e36ba0f
- Update
button codemods to adapt new API changes for IconButton.82e6819e04b
- Update
the codemod-cli to accept custom options, e.g.
npx @atlaskit/codemod-cli --foo bar /project/src/file.js
Introduces new codemod “migrate-to-new-buttons” to automate the new button migration.#40270
- This
update includes several improvements and fixes to the css-to-design-tokens preset:
, and certain Less functions to prevent compile
- replace
strings that contain only the color name; replace hard-coded colors in template literals that have
CSS declarations; better color names for literals that have multiple expressions; replace full
value of box-shadow in template literalsc528571ef3d
Introduces new codemod "theme-remove-deprecated-mixins" to automate the removal of deprecated
color mixins07020547a93
- Safe
direct migraiton to design token API. This change is not visible for those who aren't using design
- Skip
minor dependency bumpcc84a1ed227
- Updates
default behaviour of codemods when a suggested token cannot be foundb14dca751fa
- Exclude
the chart tokens from the list of tokens that we pass into the codemod.6ec444547a9
- Applies
various fixes to the tokens post-css codemod. Box shadows and border properties are respected
- Adds
preset codemod for css-to-design-tokens. This codemod transforms css,scss,less color usage to
design tokens.a424e62b264
- Changes
to support Node 16 Typescript definitions from @types/node
Instrumented @atlaskit/codemod-cli
with none interaction support
New argument for the codemod-cli has been added to support preselect transform in command line.
Refactors theme-to-tokens codemod with new token names + simplifies logic19d72473dfb
- Adds a
new codemod preset theme-to-design-tokens
that helps migrate from atlaskit theme to atlaskit
- Theme
preset is now picked up by the CLI.f4d22b1c8af
- Ignore
directory filtering logic if filtering returns no paths#12535
- Bump
jscodeshift to 0.13.0.
Commit Changelog.
flag to return a 1
error code when errors were found (#416,
(#405, @jedwards1211)d0ef46dee01
- Removes
ts-node / cjs bundle switcher from main entrypoint of codemod-utils and updated codemod-cli
scripts to support#9924
- The
codemod-cli can fail on error when the flag --fail-on-error
is passed, it will return a 1 exit
code when errors were found during execution of codemods
This flag --fail-on-error
was added as part of this
PR that forked jscodeshift
In Atlassian Frontend, we are now using the fork of jscodeshift
atlassian-forks-jscodeshift till we
get this change back to the library.
Add --fail-on-error
in the config to be passed as a flag when the codemod runs - only for branch
- bumped
- bumped
- Update
the logic to properly check for the env var FAIL_CODEMODS_ON_ERROR and add --no-babel
running js file.#8789
- The
codemod-cli can fail on error when the flag --fail-on-error
is passed, it will return a 1 exit
code when errors were found during execution of codemods This flag --fail-on-error
was added as
part of this PR that forked jscodeshift
. In
Atlassian Frontend, we are now using the fork of jscodeshift
atlassian-forks-jscodeshift till we
get this change back to the library.
Add --fail-on-error
in the config to be passed as a flag when the codemod runs - only for branch
- Export
types using Typescript's new "export type" syntax to satisfy Typescript's --isolatedModules
compiler option. This requires version 3.8 of Typescript, read more about how we handle Typescript
versions here: Also add typescript
to denote version that the package was built with.#3885
- Upgraded
to TypeScript 3.9.6 and tslib to 2.0.0
Since tslib is a dependency for all our packages we recommend that products also follow this tslib upgrade to prevent duplicates of tslib being bundled.
- Add
--packages flag to automatically run codemods for specific packages Add --sinceRef flag to
automatically run codemods that have been upgraded since a certain git ref Add support for running
over multiple filepaths Extend support to restricted scoped packages Expose programmatic APId9f34d27e8
- Fix
transforms being sourced from nested node_modules directories Return non-zero exit codes on
- Codemods
are now presented with their module name prepended to make it easier to see which codemod belongs
to which packages4be3a868e1
- Ensure the
library is running with the Node environment + adds ts-lib332a418dd1
- Adds the
concept of presets to act as a library of codemods relevant to an entire library or repo rather
than specific component codemods. Also introduces the styled-to-emotion codemod[minor]63787f3327:
Initial implementation of the Codemod-cli