An interactive calendar for date selection experiences.
yarn add @atlaskit/calendar
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies
An interactive calendar for date selection experiences.
yarn add @atlaskit/calendar
Add year buttons to calendar. This removes the feature flag related to this change.#117363
This package's peerDependencies
have been adjusted for react
and/or react-dom
to reflect the
status of only supporting React 18 going forward. No explicit breaking change to React support has
been made in this release, but this is to signify going forward, breaking changes for React 16 or
React 17 may come via non-major semver releases.
Please refer this community post for more details:
Bump to the latest version of @compiled/react4660ec858a305
Update React
from v16 to v18c5f6c2695a300
Update dev dependencies and clean up unused internal exports.3e1546043c1c3
We are testing adding year buttons to the calendar behind a feature flag. If this fix is
successful it will be available in a later release.f5dff1c78dbb4
Migrated from primitives components to primitives/compiled components#177508
Migrated from @emotion/react
to @compiled/react
in order to improve performance, align with
the rest of the Atlaskit techstack, and support React 18 Streaming SSR.
Please note, in order to use this version of @atlaskit/calendar
, you will need to ensure that
your bundler is configured to handle .css
imports correctly. Most bundlers come with built-in
support for .css
imports, so you may not need to do anything. If you are using a different
bundler, please refer to the documentation for that bundler to understand how to handle .css
For more information on the migration, please refer to RFC-73 Migrating our components to Compiled CSS-in-JS.
Adds side-effect config to support Compiled css extraction in third-party apps3c4de48168ffe
Update the import path of useId*
from @atlaskit/ds-lib
Remove calendarRef
prop. This has been included as a legacy prop but is no longer in use within
Widening range of react
and react-dom
peer dependencies from ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ~18.2.0
to the wider range of ``^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0` (where applicable).
This change has been done to enable usage of react@18.3
as well as to have a consistent peer
dependency range for react
and react-dom
for /platform
Add a new prop shouldSetFocusOnCurrentDay
to automatically set the focus to the current day.223959ef57c80
Explicitly set jsxRuntime to classic via pragma comments in order to avoid issues where jsxRuntime
is implicitly set to automatic.c164ec1faceb
[ux] Internal changes to typography, small visual change to calendar week header text.b037e5451037
Update new button text color fallback for default theme (non-token) to match that of old button
current text color42fb30840f3c
[ux] Migrate buttons in Calendar to consume new icon buttons.f12e489f23b0
Re-build and deploy packages to NPM to resolve React/Compiled not found error (HOT-106483).536478cdcf0b
Made some tiny tweaks to the weekday header so its height is now an integer.ec7c2a38247
- Removed
all remaining legacy theming logic from the Calendar, Form, InlineDialog, InlineEdit and
InlineMessage components.26825f14d51
- [ux]
This adds greater keyboard accessibility to calendar, and removes the feature flag that gated this
- [ux]
Ensures month/year does not render as live region until it has changed or has otherwise been
interacted with for better usability. Part of feature flag for keyboard accessibility.b5716b91b31
- [ux] We
are testing adding keyboard accessibility for Calendar behind a feature flag. This will add more
affordances for users of assistive technologies to use the calendar, and updates the tabIndex
prop to only use recommended values. If this fix is successful it will be available in a later
- [ux]
correct fallback color of focused state to meet contrast requirement7e4085cd951
- Allow
caret version range in @atlaskit/primitives dependency.76d4d797a2d
- Updates
calendar for primitives bump.529814693a1
- Pin
version of @atlaskit/primitives so it resolves to correct versionb8b41649492
- Update
how certain background colors are referenced by name. Internal changes only.779727e307a
- Internal
change only. Replace all instances of Box with stable @atlaskit/primitives version.774ed69ecef
- Internal
changes to use space tokens for spacing values. There is no visual change.56507598609
- Skip
minor dependency bump2e01c9c74b5
remove before merging to master; dupe adf-schema via adf-utils70922a6fcea
- [ux]
style(calendar): update icon fallback color from N70 to N700 to match tokens and fix color
contrast issuec0fb88b3af6
- [ux]
style(calendar): update icon color token from text.subtlest to color.iconcfe48bb7ece
- Internal
change only. Replace usages of Inline/Stack with stable version from @atlaskit/primitives
- Internal
change only. Replace usages of Inline/Stack with stable version from @atlaskit/primitives
- [ux]
Fixes a bug where the background for the calendar element was incorrectly set to
- Updates
usage of removed design token utilities.UNSAFE_util.transparent
in favour of its replacement
- Updated
usages of Text
, Box
, Stack
, and Inline
primitives to reflect their updated APIs. There are
no visual or behaviour changes.b0f6dd0bc35
- Updated
to use typography tokens. There is no expected behaviour or visual change.#28165
- Major
Minor changes:
width: 289px
. Calendar now fills natural width of content.bc989043572
- Internal
changes to apply spacing tokens. This should be a no-op change.764726e020b
- Updates
to @emotion/react
; v10 to v11. There is no expected behavior change.124a1b7532b
- Remove
calendar's background when design tokens are provided, to allow calendar to match the color of any
surface in light or dark mode6bf81ead961
- Internal
code change turning on new linting rules.e1e33cfe0db
- [ux]
Adds tabIndex prop for @atlaskit/calendar
, useful when needing to disable calendar from
receiving focus by keyboard.6f7a4353204
- Added
ability to provide custom aria-labels for next- and previous-month buttons using nextMonthLabel
and previousMonthLabel
- Migrates
all usage of brand tokens to either selected or information tokens. This change is purely for
semantic reasons, there are no visual or behavioural changes.19d72473dfb
- Updates
usage of deprecated token names so they're aligned with the latest naming conventions. No UI or
visual changesf460cc7c411
- Builds
for this package now pass through a tokens babel plugin, removing runtime invocations of the
tokens() function and improving bundle size.192d35cfdbd
- Defaults
native button usage to type="button" to prevent unintended submittig of forms.f7d71a9ba09
- Replaces
visually hidden styles in component to instead use '@atlaskit/visually-hidden'.89c0316aa2c
Instrumented Calendar with the new theming package, @atlaskit/tokens
. Tokens will be visible
only in applications configured to use the new Tokens API (currently in alpha).These changes are
intended to be interoperable with the legacy theme implementation. Legacy dark mode users should
expect no visual or breaking changes.2d7cc544696
- Updates
token usage to match the latest token set#12328
- ###
Removes defaultDisabled
prop, a stateless/uncontrolled variant of the disabled
prop. As a
stateless calendar would never change its disabled dates, this prop was unnecessary.
Adds three props to make disabling dates more practical, performant and expressive in
. These features are also available for DatePicker:
for the minimum valid datemaxDate
for the maximum valid datedisabledDateFilter
, a function that takes a date string, and returns whether or not it should
be disabled.d6f7ff383cf
- Updates
to development dependency storybook-addon-performance
- Calendar
now exports a WeekDay
type. This is the type used by the weekStartDay
- Internal
refactor to use common utils.#9083
- In this
version we made calendar dramatically faster and lighter 🤩
and style
props have been addedinnerProps
prop has been removed, generally consumers have only used this for
style props which are now available directlyRunning the codemod cli
To run the codemod: You first need to have the latest version installed
yarn upgrade @atlaskit/calendar@^11.0.0
Once upgraded, use @atlaskit/codemod-cli
via npx
npx @atlaskit/codemod-cli --parser babel --extensions ts,tsx,js [relativePath]
The CLI will show a list of components and versions so select @atlaskit/calendar@^11.0.0
and you
will automatically be upgraded. If your usage of calendar cannot be upgraded a comment will be
left that a manual change is required.
Run npx @atlaskit/codemod-cli -h
for more details on usage. For Atlassians, refer to the
documentation for more
details on the codemod CLI.
- Internal
change to update usage of the custom glyph
prop in @atlaskit/icon.471e2431a7c
Downgrade back to date-fns 1.30.1 We discovered big bundle size increases associated with the
date-fns upgrade. We're reverting the upgarde to investigate#8644
- Use
injected package name and version for analytics instead of version.json.
- -
Migrate old entry points to new one. Calendar now has only following exports:
import Calendar from '@atlaskit/calendar'
, ChangeEvent
, SelectEvent
). Can be imported like:
import { CalendarProps, ChangeEvent, SelectEvent } from '@atlaskit/calendar'
import { CalendarProps, ChangeEvent, SelectEvent } from '@atlaskit/calendar/types'
.Internal change
and private prop is calendarRef
to CalendarRef
to calendarRef
Internal change
Updated dependencies
- Calendar
now accepts a weekStartDay
prop that controls which day of the week should be used at the start.
This prop accepts the following values:
sunday (default value)1
- Convert
all styles of Calendar from styled-components to emotion CSS and apply different styles via
data-attributes. Internally theme mode is now accessed via Global theme context and used to
generate colors.
Improvement in internal analytics performance
Dev changes
React HOC to React hooks. This improved re-rendering
quite a bit.aedbf4ed383
Internal change
We have removed calendar-base dependency which was not maintained for quite sometime and moved its logic internally. This will help us fixing any issue we might get or any new functionality we might want to support.
Updated dependencies
- Calendar
now accepts a weekStartDay
prop that controls which day of the week should be used at the start.
This prop accepts the following values:
sunday (default value)1
- Internal
change from class to function components
and ArrowKeys
types which were not
compatible with functional components. Instead we have exported CalendarInternalRef
temporarily for backward compatibility and a new optional prop internalRef
which consumers can
use to access internal api's. Right now only @atlaskit/datetime-picker
uses navigate()
for navigation which will be removed soon. This new type and prop are not recommended. So please
don't use them.SelectEvent
along with already exported ChangeEvent
, which
consumers can use with onSelect
and onChange
support which points to the top level element. Earlier it was not
officially supported.5f58283e1f
- Export
types using Typescript's new "export type" syntax to satisfy Typescript's --isolatedModules
compiler option. This requires version 3.8 of Typescript, read more about how we handle Typescript
versions here: Also add typescript
to denote version that the package was built with.2ac834240e
- Undo
analytics-next file restructure to allow external ts definitions to continue workingb284fba3d1
- Components
that had missing names are now fixed - this helps when looking for them using the React Dev Tools.8598d0bd13
- Remove
unnecessary code and tests for IE11.#3885
- Upgraded
to TypeScript 3.9.6 and tslib to 2.0.0
Since tslib is a dependency for all our packages we recommend that products also follow this tslib upgrade to prevent duplicates of tslib being bundled.
- Use the
'lodash' package instead of single-function 'lodash.*' packages87f4720f27
- Officially
dropping IE11 support, from this version onwards there are no warranties of the package working in
IE11. For more information see:
- Build and
supporting files will no longer be published to npm[patch]62390c4755:
Change imports to comply with Atlassian conventions- Updated dependencies 6b8e60827e:
Updated dependencies 449ef134b3:
Updated dependencies 57c0487a02:
Updated dependencies 6efb12e06d:
Updated dependencies fd41d77c29:
Remove namespace imports from React, ReactDom, and PropTypes- Updated dependencies 6548261c9a:
Adding an optional prop testId
that will set the attribute value data-testid
. It will help
products to write better integration and end to end tests.
Adding missing license to packages and update to Copyright 2019 Atlassian Pty Ltd.
Exporting type of Calendar class and some components are relying on it
Updated version of analytics-next to fix potential incompatibilities with TS 3.6
@atlaskit/calendar has been converted to Typescript. Typescript consumers will now get static type safety. Flow types are no longer provided. No API or behavioural changes.
Add locale support for Calendar/DateTimePicker/DatePicker/TimePicker:
enables localization for date/time format in DatePicker
, TimePicker
, and months/days in Calendar
, timeFormat
and formatDisplayLabel
props. Please use locale
instead. If provided, these props will override locale
to format the date.DatePicker
has been changed from date-fns.parse
to one based on
the locale
prop and accept text in a format that matches the placeholder.[patch]097b696613:
Components now depend on TS 3.6 internally, in order to fix an issue with TS resolving non-relative imports as relative imports
Change all the imports to theme in Core to use multi entry points
popper has been converted to Typescript. Typescript consumers will now get static type safety. Flow types are no longer provided. No API or behavioural changes.
Consume analytics-next ts type definitions as an ambient declaration.