Typescript ❤️

A React Component for displaying expandable and sortable tree hierarchies

yarn add @atlaskit/tree


Major Changes

Tree component provides a generic way to visualize tree structures. It was built on top of the popular react-beautiful-dnd library in order to provide a natural way of reorganizing the nodes.

Feature set

  • Fully customizable node rendering
  • Capability to collapse and expand subtree
  • Lazy loading of subtree
  • Reorganization of the tree by drag&drop
  • Mouse, touch and keyboard support


import Tree, { mutateTree, moveItemOnTree } from '@atlaskit/tree';

Drag-n-Drop Tree

-First parent
Child one
Child two
-Second parent
Child three
Child four

Get started

Tree data structure

Tree is defined by a normalized data structure, where rootId defines the id of the root node and items map contains all the nodes indexed by their id. Child relationship is defined in the children field of parent in form of list of id's.

Data attribute: Any consumer data should be defined in the data attribute of item, e.g. title, color, selection etc.

State handling: This data structure is the single source of truth. After any interaction the consumer's responsibility to execute the mutation on the tree, which will be passed down in props to refresh the rendered tree. A few utils functions (mutateTree, moveItemOnTree) are provided in order to help you make those changes easily and in a efficient way.

Performance / Side-effects: We put some effort into optimizing rendering based on reference equality. We only re-render an Item if it's reference changed or moved on the tree.

type ItemId = any; interface TreeData { rootId: ItemId, items: { [ItemId]: TreeItem }, }; type TreeItem = {| id: ItemId, children: Array<ItemId>, hasChildren?: boolean, isExpanded?: boolean, isChildrenLoading?: boolean, data?: TreeItemData, |};


In order to render the tree, renderItem render prop must be defined on Tree. It will receive one object with multiple params, defined as RenderItemParams .

Root item is not rendered by design. If you want to render a tree with a single root, you will need to create a virtual root above your effective root.

Provided is a concept inherited from react-beautiful-dnd library in order to provide flexible drag&drop functionality.

  • innerRef must be bound to the highest possible DOM node in the ReactElement. We do this in order to avoid needing to use ReactDOM to look up your DOM node.
  • draggableProps is an Object that contains a data attribute and an inline style. This Object needs to be applied to the same node that you apply provided.innerRef to. This controls the movement of the draggable when it is dragging and not dragging.
  • dragHandleProps is used to drag the whole tree item. Often this will be the highest level node, but sometimes it can be a child node. dragHandleProps need to be applied to the node that you want to be the drag handle.
type RenderItemParams = {| /** Item to be rendered */ item: TreeItem, /** The depth of the item on the tree. 0 means root level. */ depth: number, /** Function to call when a parent item needs to be expanded */ onExpand: (itemId: ItemId) => void, /** Function to call when a parent item needs to be collapsed */ onCollapse: (itemId: ItemId) => void, /** Couple of Props to be spread into the rendered React.Components and DOM elements */ /** More info: https://github.com/atlassian/react-beautiful-dnd#children-function-render-props */ provided: TreeDraggableProvided, /** Couple of state variables */ /** More info: https://github.com/atlassian/react-beautiful-dnd#2-snapshot-draggablestatesnapshot */ snapshot: DraggableStateSnapshot, |};


renderItem = ({ item, depth, onExpand, onCollapse, provided, }: RenderItemParams) => { return ( <div ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} {...provided.dragHandleProps} > <span>{getIcon(item, onExpand, onCollapse)}</span> <span>{item.data ? item.data.title : ''}</span> </div> ); };

Expand & Collapse

onExpand and onCollapse functions are triggered when there is a need to change the state of a parent. This is the right time to trigger requests to load the subtree or flip the isExpanded attribute to show the already loaded children nodes.


onExpand = (itemId: ItemId) => { const { tree }: State = this.state; this.setState({ tree: mutateTree(tree, itemId, { isExpanded: true }), }); };

Drag & Drop

Drag&Drop is powered by react-beautiful-dnd, so a couple of design principles are inherited from there. To make it work provided from renderItem must be used as defined earlier in the Rendering section. For custom behavior you can also act on a few additional information conveyed in snapshot attribute.

Events: onDragStart and onDragEnd functions will be triggered at the beginning and the end of re-ordering. They provide the necessary information as TreePosition to change the tree.

Current limitations = Plans: Currently it's not possible to drag a parent, which is already expanded. Addition to this, it's not possible to hover over another item to expand it or drop on top to nest. We are actively working on these features and we will update the documentation once they are ready.


type TreePosition = {| parentId: ItemId, index: number, |}; onDragEnd = (source: TreePosition, destination: ?TreePosition) => { const { tree } = this.state; if (!destination) { return; } const newTree = moveItemOnTree(tree, source, destination); this.setState({ tree: newTree, }); };

Tree Props

tree object = { children: [] }

The tree data structure.

rootId required One of
items required RecordOne of
id required One of
children arrayType required Array
One of
hasChildren boolean
isExpanded boolean
isChildrenLoading boolean
data any

onExpand function = () => undefined

Function that will be called when a parent item needs to be expanded.

=> undefined

onCollapse function = () => undefined

Function that will be called when a parent item needs to be collapsed.

=> undefined

onDragStart function = () => undefined

Function that will be called when the user starts dragging.

itemId => undefined

onDragEnd function = () => undefined

Function that will be called when the user finishes dragging.

=> undefined

renderItem function = () => undefined

Function that will be called to render a single item.

item => react.ReactNode

offsetPerLevel number = 35

Number of pixel is used to scaffold the tree by the consumer.

isDragEnabled union = false

Boolean to turn on drag&drop re-ordering on the tree

One of
item => boolean

isNestingEnabled boolean = false

Boolean to turn on hovering while dragging